An index of Railroad History from 1921 to 2009 is available HERE.

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Available from: Alden Dreyer, 91 Reynolds Road, Shelburne, MA 01370, 413-625-6384 (0800-2000 ET).

Pricing based upon supply, demand and condition.

Prices shown are non-member/member.

Members and non-members: Deduct $1.00 per book for orders of 4 or more digest-sized books Nos.1R to 191.  For orders of 8 or more, deduct $2.00 per book. For orders of 25 or more, deduct $3.00 per book. Members can buy 25 of many editions for $75.00, non-members for $112.50. Quantity discounts for non-members wishing to buy large books, Nos.192-230, are usually best served by joining the R&LHS and then buying at the member’s prices.

USA shipping is free unless special services are requested.

All books are in very good or better condition. A (D) following the price of a rare edition indicates some damage. About 67 editions of RAILROAD HISTORY, ranging from Nos.139 to 231, are leftovers from the time of printing so are in new condition.  Out-of-print (OOP) books are previously owned. All Bulletins Nos.1-126 are OOP. Railroad History books OOP are Nos.127-138, 140, 143, 145-148, 150, 152, 153, 155, 156, 159, 162, 164, 174, 180, 182, 192, 193, 197, 201-203, 210, 212, 216 & 218.

Books listed here are all original, first editions with the following exceptions: No.1 reprint (1971); No.57R (2001); No.61AR (1988); No.143 (1989). Buyers of No.143 have a choice: original (1980) or reprint. Beware of unauthorized reprints of many R&LHS publications.

Our journals are all digest-sized 6 by 9 inches from No.1 of 1921 to No.191 of Autumn 2004. Page counts vary from 32 to 240, but most available editions contain 100 pages or more. No.192 of Spring 2005 and newer are all in the 8 1/4 by 10 1/2 inch size. Almost all large editions contain 128 pages, a few 112 pages.


No.1 reprint, Nos.13, 21-26, 28-32, 34, 35, 37-38, 40-53, 55-61, 61A, 61AR, 62-231 (as noted). Note: All regular issues more recent than No.54 (January 1941) are available except Nos.192 & 210. This page is maintained on a real time basis. If a price is shown, the book is available. If NA (Not Available) ask about prospects and our wait list.

 Also a bound volume containing Bulletins 45, 46, 47, 47A (Locomotives of the Chicago & North Western Railway), 48, 49 & 50A ( Locomotives of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe System). See listings below for details. $95.00

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RLHS Cover1NA1921. Our Aims. Preface for: Yesterdays On the New York Central by Arthur Curran (on 9 pages including 5 photographs). The Story of the New England by Warren Jacobs (the New York & New England RR, operator of the famous White, or Ghost, Train, on 6 pages with 2 illustrations). America's Most Famous Trains by Chas. E. Fisher (on 11 pages with photos of the Twentieth Century Limited, California Limited, Black Diamond Express and Merchants Limited). Chapter and By-Laws of the Railway and Locomotive Historical Society (3 pages).
RLHS Cover2NA1921. Editorial Comment. The Fall River Line Boat Train (Massachusetts, started in 1847 and still running when this was written. On 7 pages, with 2 more of commentary by the editor). Eddy Clocks (superb Standards built in Springfield, Massachusetts, by Wilson Eddy. On 5 pages, including 4 photographs). Some Experimental and Historical Locomotives of the Chicago and Northwestern RR (on 8 pages including 3 photographs). The Rival Builders by Chas. E. Fisher (Taunton Locomotive Works and William Mason's Machine Works, covered in great detail over 16 pages including 4 photographs. Details of Engs built are as complete as known facts would then allow). The Clang of the Bells (a poem). The Affairs of the Society.
RLHS Cover1R$7.50/$6.001971. A reprint in 1971 of the First Bulletin to celebrate the Golden Jubilee. With stiff gold covers, the inside material is identical to No.1, except the upper and lower margins are reduced to make a slightly shorter book. Photo reproduction is excellent. There are 2 staples instead of 4. The thick gold cover tends to age-crack at the spine, but should not come loose with normal use.
RLHS Cover3NA1922. Story of the Woburn Branch RR (Massachusetts, 1844, on 11 pages with 4 photographs). Single Driving Wheel Locomotives (on 4 pages including 5 photographs. Most were 4-2-2's). Some Famous Runs and Some Famous Engines by Chas. E. Fisher (on 7 pages with 4 photographs). The Illinois Central System (early history on 4 pages). The Capture of the "General" (U.S. Civil War in 1862 on 11 pages, with a drawing of the 1856 Rogers Eng as it looked when upon display in Chattanooga). The Maine Central RR and Its Leased Lines (early history on 8 pages including 2 photographs).
RLHS Cover4NA1923. Boston Old Depots (on 11 pages including 5 illustrations). Recollections by James F. Chadbourne (on the Boston & Maine in the 1870's, on 5 pages with 4 photographs). The Mount Washington RR (on 5 pages including 4 photographs). The Famous Color Trains of America by Chas. E. Fisher (discusses various paint schemes of the NYC&HR, PRR, C&O, C&A, B&O, etc. on 7 pages). The First Iron Passenger Cars by Walter A. Lucas (first one built in 1859 and sold to the Boston & Worcester RR. On 6 pages, with 5 illustrations). Extracts from Reports on Brigadier General D.C. McCallum, Military Director and Superintendent of RRs (listing Engs purchased, built and captured 1862-1865 during the U.S. Civil War, and Engs in Possession of the Government on 01 May 1865, all on 5 pages).
RLHS Cover5NA1923. Delaware & Hudson Co. Celebrates 100th Anniversary. The Early RRs of Kentucky by Chas. E. Fisher (on 9 pages, including 3 photographs and an L&N Motive Power Roster for 1867). Railroads of the West (Sacramento Valley and Central Pacific on 12 pages including 14 photographs). Some Anecdotes of the Old Colony (eastern Massachusetts, on 6 pages). Transportation by Jas. M. Kimball (a talk given at an R&LHS Exhibition at the Boston Public Library). "Commonwealth" B.&P.R.R. (being an Eng on the Boston & Providence RR. This is a folksy article on 20 pages that contains 5 photographs). Some Notes Upon Early English Locomotives in America. Locomotives Built by the Amoskeag Mfg. Co., Manchester, New Hampshire (listing over 100).
RLHS Cover6NA1923. Narrative of An Excursion on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (1832, on 17 pages with 3 illustrations). An Early List of Locomotives (to comply with a resolution of the U.S. Congress in 1838 to list all steam locomotives then in use in the U.S. Builders with their locations are also listed). Some Recollections (United Kingdom in the mid to late 1800s). Locomotives Built at Sacramento Shops (on 7 pages including 5 photographs). Early Railroad Times (14 pages of reminiscences of James H. French, 1840-1922, who began his career in 1854 as assistant to the agent at Bridgewater, Mass., and retired in 1901 as superintendent of the New Haven's Plymouth Division).
RLHS Cover7NA1924. Report of the Committee on Cars to the Direction of the South Carolina Canal & RR Co.(1833, on 20 pages including 3 Eng drawings). Early Locomotive Building in Lowell, Mass. (on 33 pages including 7 illustrations and a listing of early Engs built by Locks & Canals Co.). The Old Iron Horses of the Central Pacific (with 3 photographs, a roster of 163 Engs built 1863-1869 and 5 pages of text). Early Recollections by B.C. Vaughan, Retired Mechanical Foreman, L&N RR (starting on the Louisville & Frankfort in 1856). The Nova Scotia Engines (beginning with the Samson of 1838).
RLHS Cover8NA1924. Affairs of the Society. A Pioneer Locomotive Builder (Matthias W. Baldwin, 1795-1866, on 13 pages including 5 illustrations). First one Hundred Locomotives Built by M.W. Baldwin Previous to January, 1838, with Dimensions as far as Records Show. Locomotive Shops in the United States In 1855. Some RR History of the Province of New Brunswick (on 8 pages). The Early Dawn of Railways. Early Engineering on the Houston and Texas Central RR. How "Locomotion No.1" Went to Wembley. Man Who Worked on No.1 Engine. Recollections of the New York and Boston Express Line. Old Colony RR Motive Power (on 31 pages including 19 photographs).
RLHS Cover9NA1925. Famous Locomotives Now On Exhibition (DeWitt Clinton at GCT and the Lion at Univ. of Maine). The Portland Company (Maine Eng Builder on 9 pages, including 5 photographs). Portland Locomotive Works (a detailed roster of first 100 engs built 1848-1859). The Old Ship Ry of Chignecto (an 1880's scheme to cross the isthmus connecting New Brunswick with Nova Scotia). Some British Locomotive Reminiscences (on 7 pages, including 2 photographs). Railway Celebration at York, Pennsylvania. Railroad Chronology From the RR and Insurance Almanac for 1865.
RLHS Cover10NA1925. Notes on Early Baltimore & Ohio Engines and Models. Locomotives of the Long Island RR (comprehensive details on early Engs running to 22 pages with 2 illustrations). The Norris Locomotive Works (located near Philadelphia, built more Engs than any other builder during years 1831-1862. 19 pages of information from the Railway Age magazine). The Norris Engines on the Birmingham and Gloucester Ry (England, 1840).
RLHS Cover11NA1926. Locomotives at Purdue University. Our First Two Bulletins (announcing a reprint in one volume). George Althouse (a talented locomotive engineer, wandering from New England to Illinois, 1832-1921). Locomotive Builders of Paterson (New Jersey: Rogers; Grant; Swinburne; Cooke). The Jarrett and Palmer Special (New York City to San Francisco, 3313 miles, in 84 hours in 1876!). The First Locomotive Built in Scotland (the Earl of Airlie, 1833). A Short Historical Sketch of the Cheraw and Darlington and Cheraw and Coalfield RRs ( South Carolina, 1856, on 4 pages).
RLHS Cover12NA1926. Quarters for Our Society in the New Harvard Business Library. Celebration of America's First Ry (the Quincy, Massachusetts, Granite Ry Co.). Missouri Pacific Celebration (at Washington University noting ground breaking of 04 July 1851). Locomotives at Purdue University. Early Steam Rys in Great Britain. Early Days of Iron Horse in North Carolina. Brooks Locomotive Works. Early Locomotives of the Maine Central RR. English Single-Wheelers. American Locomotives in Great Britain. The New York and New Haven, the Hartford and New Haven, and the Western Massachusetts Railroads (describing a trip from New York City to Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in the winter of 1865). What the Engines Said by Francis Bret Harte.
RLHS Cover13$25.00/$20.001927. Single subject issue: Report upon the LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES and the Police and Management of several of the Principal Rail Roads in the Northern and Middle States, Being a Sequel to the Report of the 8th of January, 1838, upon Railway Structures by J. Knight, Chief Engineer, and Benj. H. Latrobe, Eng'r of Location & Construction. Baltimore, Printed by Lucas & Deaver. 1838. Facsimile Reprint, 1927, R&LHS, Boston. That is the title page and in order to make this appear like the original, this is the only major R&LHS publication with a blank cover. I defaced mine by writing R&LHS BULLETIN No.13 on it so it would not be misplaced. This detailed report runs to 32 pages and is followed by an Appendix on 9 more with instructions, rules and blank forms of the day. This was railroadin' in 1838 in the USA.
RLHS Cover14NA1927. The Baker Library opens. Locomotives at Purdue University (B&O No.173, C&NW No.5). Early Scottish Locomotives of the 4-4-0 Design (8 pages, with drawings). The Grand Trunk Ry of Canada (6 pages). Old Michigan Central RR Engine in Service (1887 Schenectady built ten-wheeler, now NYC No.8131). History of Schenectady Locomotive Works (the ALCO predecessor, on 16 pages, including 4 illustrations and a listing of the first 100 locomotives built 1851-1855).
RLHS Cover15NANovember 1927. The "Fair of the Iron Horse" (B&O RR in Halethorp, Md., on 6 pages). Famous Locos Still on Exhibition (CPR No.1 "Countess of Dufferin" and D&IR No.3). Locomotive Building at Taunton, Mass. (5 pages, with 3 illustrations). William Mason (1808-1884, famed builder of lovely locomotives in Taunton, on 14 pages, with 5 illustrations). The First Locos in Maine. Some Interesting Diaries (kept by a Henry Richards of Dedham, Mass., from 1845 to 1899). The "Three Spot" (an 1883 ten-wheeler still in use on the Nevada Northern). A Bury Engine on the Great Southern Ry of Ireland. Saint John and the CPR (New Brunswick, on 8 pages). The Previous History of El Paso and South-Western No.1 and Her Contemporaries on the Saint Paul. Notes on English Locomotives. Some Historical Items. The Genesis of the Loco Truck.
RLHS Cover16NAMay 1928. Our Society (3 page R&LHS history). Historical Notes on Locomotive Design, 1769-1840 (14 pages, with many drawings). The Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis RR (15 pages, including 6 photographs). Letters from Geo. A. Haggerty (as continued in Nos.17&18 below). Caledonian Ry 4-4-0 Locomotive (material omitted from Bulletin No.14). Locomotives on the New York & Erie RR (over 200 as listed in the 1856 annual report with pertinent details). Recollections of the Broad Gauge Line to Plymouth (England, on 11 pages). The Belfast and County Down Ry (Ireland, opened in 1846).
RLHS Cover17NAOctober 1928. Steam Tramways in the British Isles. F.C. Winby's "James Toleman (built at Newcastle-on-Tyne & exhibited at the 1893 Chicago World Fair). Dates of Some of the Principal Events in the History of 100 Years of the Railroad in New England 1826-1926 (14 pages). Letters from George A. Haggerty to Mr. Fisher with RR memories that preceded the U.S. Civil War (see No.18 below). The arrival of the "Countess of Dufferin" at Winnipeg, Man. (CPR No.1 on 09 October 1877). Train Speeds and Safety in 1826 As Expounded in the Early Writings of Claudius Crozet. The Beginning of S.P. (on 8 pages that include 5 photographs). Historical Notes on Locomotive Design II, 1840-1890 (on 15 pages, including many drawings). South Carolina Canal and Rail Road. The "Cincinnati," a Pioneer Southern Ry Locomotive. The "President Cleveland" (just rebuilt by B&O). Canadian Locomotive Practice in Early Days.
RLHS Cover18NAJune 1929. Canadian Locomotives in the Fifties -- Memories of Old "Birkenheads". Historical Notes on Locomotive Design -- Part IV -- Modern Improvements in Construction. The New Castle Manufacturing Co. (1830-50's Delaware Eng builder on 12 pages). The London and North Western Ry Locomotive "Queen Empress". The Leicester and Swanington Ry (England, opened in 1832). Letters from Mr. Haggerty (of Southbridge, Massachusetts, regarding various early Engs in New England). An Interesting Locomotive of Thirty Years Ago (a Brooks 2-8-0 built for the Illinois Central (No.640), which was then the largest in the world with E&T weighing 369,050 pounds). Old Bury Engine (found on the ICRR). History of the "Best Friend of Charleston". Unparalleled Speed (GCT to East Buffalo on the NYC&HR RR on 14 September 1891, with Standard No.470, in 425.74 minutes for the 436.5 miles, as detailed on 6 pages).
RLHS Cover19NASeptember 1929. Single subject issue: The Michigan Central Railroad. Charles E. Fisher, R&LHS founder, editor and president, is conducting an experiment that he will continue often in further single subject issues devoted to one railroad. Using the collection of annual reports found at Harvard's Baker Library, he has put together this Michigan Central Bulletin amounting to 28 pages with 4 illustrations, 2 Engs & 2 buildings, worked in with the text. The road opened 30 miles from Detroit to Ypsilanti in February 1838 by private enterprise, faced financial difficulties, and was taken over by the state in 1846. This book covers reports from 1847 to 1876 and ends with a financial page of statistics listing psgr numbers & earnings, frt tonnage & earnings, net earnings and dividends paid for each of those years when known.
RLHS Cover20NANovember 1929. 1829 -- Centenary of Rainhill, the "Rocket" 1929 and the "Stourbridge Lion". The Stourbridge Lion Centennial. The Rainhill Trials. Early Tramroads in Great Britain. Baltimore & Ohio RR No.600 (a psgr 2-6-0 built at Mount Clare & on exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876). Account of a Trip Over the Charleston & Hamburg RR Soon After Its Completion in October 1833. The Early English Engines That Came to America. The Atlantic City High Speed Line. Pioneer Locomotives on the Pacific Coast (1855-). Eastwick & Harrisons "Mercury" (1837). Some Interesting Letters (a journey by a mechanically-minded man, Levi L. Fletcher, from Lawrence, Massachusetts, to Richmond, Virginia, right after the Civil War. A dozen pages of fine locomotive reading that include 4 drawings).
RLHS Cover21$30.00/$24.00March 1930. Single subject issue: The Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad Company by Chas. E. Fisher. Using material available at the Baker Library, the writer devotes 30 pages of text and 8 illustrations to this road that was noted for the first use of coal burning locomotives. The road was formed on 05 Feb. 1838 by the merger of 3 roads from as many states. Operating details are enumerated year by year including miles of road operated, numbers of Engs & cars when known and significant happenings during the year. The tale ends in 1881 with purchase by the Pennsylvania RR. Financial details 1838-1881, list psgrs & psgr earnings, tons of frt & frt earnings, net earnings and dividends paid, when known.
RLHS Cover22$35.00/$28.00May 1930. The Genesis of the Western RR (Massachusetts, 1830's). Boston & Albany RR Locomotives--1832-1930. Kinmond Brothers' Locomotive Works, Montreal. The Montreal Ice Ry. The Liverpool & Manchester Ry (England, opened 1830). Incidents in English Ry History. A Brief History of the New York & New England RR (6 pages). Chevalier de Gerstner (tells of this man buried in Philadelphia in 1840, who was born in Prague, Austria, in 1793 and built the first railway in Russia that opened in 1838 between St.Petersburgh and Pawlowsk, 17 miles).
RLHS Cover23$37.50/$30.00November 1930. Locomotive Performance of Nearly One Hundred Years Ago by Chas. E. Fisher (a record of performance of Engs on the Boston & Worcester RR 1835-1837). The Canterbury & Whitstable Ry (opened in England in 1830 & admonished for running thru a tunnel, causing psgrs to catch cold). A Veteran Locomotive Still on the Job (concerns Central Pacific No.68 built by McKay & Aldus in 1868. A photo shows CP No.68 in 1876 & another now as Southern Pacific No.2001, taken in Oregon @1928). The Carillon & Grenville Ry (along the Ottawa River rapids). The Nova Scota Ry. Outline of the History of the Grand Trunk Ry in Canada by William H. Breithaupt (36 pages, plus illustrations).
RLHS Cover24$35.00/$28.00March 1931. Single subject issue: The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad by Chas E. Fisher. This report on the early CB&Q runs to 39 pages of text, plus 10 photographs and various maps and drawings. After a general introduction on 4 pages, we go year by year from 1855 to 1886 listing locomotive roster data, miles of road operated and from where to where as new lines are opened, rolling stock numbers, and fascinating incidentals such as miles run per ton of Kewanee coal vs. Brookfield coal. The report ends with financial data listing psgrs carrried, psgr & frt revenues, and total & net earning 1854 - 1886.
RLHS Cover25$35.00/$28.00May 1931. Theodore Dehone Judah (USA transcontinental RR promoter). The Hinkley Locomotive Works (of Boston, listing first 100 Engs built). Locomotives of the Grand Trunk Ry (20 pages, plus 30 photographs). Review of Locomotive "No.21" on the Boston, Hartford & Erie RR (by Thomas Appleton, gives an intimate 13-page look at the thinking and methods that resulted in the construction of this machine in 1867 at the Taunton Locomotive Works, which was sold to the BH&E for $12,500). The Birmingham and Derby Junction Ry (opening in England in 1842).
RLHS Cover26$35.00/$28.00October 1931. Locomotive Building at Manchester, New Hampshire. The Locomotives of the Boston & Maine RR (starting with the $2,700 "Andover" of 1836). Pioneer Experience in Electric Traction and the New Haven RR (8 pages, plus 2 maps and 17 photographs). Some Notes Concerning Old Locomotive History (1830's & 1840's in Europe). Mineral Railways and Tramways in England. Early Railroads in Virginia. Accident on the Montreal Ice Railway -- 1881.
RLHS Cover27NAMarch 1932. Single subject issue: THE GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD by Chas. E. Fisher. In essence, this road was built to connect Chicago with the Mississippi River and in doing so it put Chicago on the map. And despite its handicaps, Chicago grew to become the Number 1 railroad city in North America, which it remains today. The G&CU was incorporated 16 January 1836 and it took 14 years to reach Elgin, 42.5 miles west of Chicago. The struggles of the company are enumerated in great detail. In 1864 the road was consolidated with the Chicago & North Western Railway. This report covers 24 pages and lists details year by year, locomotives by name and number and builder with pertinent statistics, psgrs and freight carried, revenue, net earnings, et cetera. THE "PIONEER", the first locomotive of the G&CU than rates two pages of coverage. It is now preserved at ?
RLHS Cover28$35.00/$28.00May 1932. The Canadian Railway Centenary, 1832-1932 (5 pages, plus 2 maps). The Locomotives of the Boston & Maine RR (Eastern RR, Worcester, Nashua & Rochester). Locomotives of the Grand Trunk Ry, Supplementary Notes to the Story in Bulletin 25 (8 pages, plus 9 photographs & a drawing). A Wooden Railway of Seventy Years Ago (Quebec & Gosford Wooden Ry, a CN predecessor). History of the Canadian RR's (chronological listings on 5 pages). Brief Notes on Famous Engines - I (Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 4-6-0's). Golden Jubilee of the Canadian Pacific Ry (1931, on 4 pages). The Canadian Northern Ry System (beginning with the Lake Manitoba Ry & Canal Co. and filling 9 pages).
RLHS Cover29$25.00/$20.00October 1932. The Locomotives of the Boston & Maine RR (Northern RR on 7 pages). Charles Christopher Rowell (born in Sharon, Vermont, in 1837, and died in Sioux City, Iowa, in 1932. He was the last survivor of a group of locomotive engineers who, as young men, were employed by the Northern RR of New Hampshire. He and his brethren are detailed over 6 pages). Brief Notes on Famous Engines --II (Northern Pacific 4-6-0 & 4-8-0's built at Schenectady 1895-1905). A Trip Across the Sierra Nevada Mountains in 1868 (an unsigned account from the "Alta California", a daily San Francisco newspaper published on 20 June 1868. 5 representative photographs are included). The RR's That Make Up the Present Northwestern Pacific RR (18 pages, plus a map and 8 photographs). The Iron Horse and the Days of Gold (The Sacramento Valley RR on 11 pages, plus 5 illustrations).
RLHS Cover30$20.00/$16.00February 1933. Limited subjects special issue. John Bloomfield Jervis was born on Long Island, New York, in 1795 and was the builder of the Delaware & Hudson Canal. He convinced his directors of the importance of steam locomotion and directed Horatio Allen to go to England to purchase the Stourbridge Lion. Then he went on to build the Mohawk & Hudson RR., more canals and railroads and died in 1885. This treatise fills 24 pages. An Early Plea for the Railroads was written in 1827 by prose writer and publisher, Matthew Carey. He was born in Ireland in 1860, settled in Philadelphia and died in 1839. This article runs to 6 pages. Both Jervis and Carey are shown in portraits. An Index of the First Thirty Bulletins fills 5 pages.
RLHS Cover31$30.00/$24.00April 1933. The Locomotives of the Boston & Maine RR (Boston & Lowell, Nashua & Lowell). A Man and A Bridge (Charles Slater Smith, Civil Engineer, 1836-1886, master of the cantilever concept, builder of the Lachine Bridge over the St. Lawrence). Additional Notes on the Early Locomotives in Nova Scotia. The Chicago & Grand Trunk Ry, Reminiscences of an Apprentice, Period 1884-1898 (including roster and 9 fine drawings). Brief Sojourns by Ann Arbor (Grand Rapids & Indiana RR). A Norris Locomotive in Japan? The Minneapolis & St. Louis RR Co. (14 pages of text & rosters, plus 8 photographs). Some Notes on the Chicago & North Western Ry. Preserving Historic British Locomotives.
RLHS Cover32$20.00/$16.00
October 1933. Daniel L. Harris (1818-1879, Mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts, President of the Connecticut River RR for nearly 25 years, renowned bridge builder). Memoranda Concerning the Union Pacific RR (Harris was a UP Director and these notes tell of his board meetings and riding the road to California in 1869 on 15 pages). Locomotives of the Boston & Maine RR (Connecticut & Passumpsic Rivers, Conn. River RR, with a map and 7 photographs). An Early Locomotive Performance Sheet (B&O in 1841). The Development of the American Railway Passenger Car (23 pages including numerous drawings). Brief Sojourns by Ann Arbor (LS&MS Prairies). How They Hauled a Hoisting Engine to the Summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in 1866. Evanston Branch of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Norris Locomotive in Japan.
RLHS Cover33NAFebruary 1934. Single subject issue: Abraham Lincoln on the New Haven and the Boston and Albany by Warren Jacobs, R&LHS Secretary. Of course, they were not roads of those names then, but their predecessor lines. Part 1--The Visit of 1848 is detailed over 10 pages and includes a lot of railroad history along with what was recorded regarding Lincoln. 5 pages of train schedules follows. Part 2--The Visit of 1860 occupies 9 pages of text, plus there are 5 illustrations of depots and the Hingham Meeting House. Lincoln in Norwich, Connecticut, and related and relevant history of the man, and the area railroads as then existed, finish the tale with 24 more pages.
RLHS Cover34$25.00/$20.00May 1934. Henry M. Sperry (1861-1933, a publicist for GRS and US&S, his signaling history and commentary of 1926 are given here over 10 pages). New York Chapter (formation of same). The Dutchess & Columbia RR and its Associates (New York, on 9 pages, plus 10 photographs). The Standardization of Track Gauge on American Railways. The Battle of Gauges in Canada. A Trip Over the Two Old Overland Trails From California Into Nevada (a fascinating 1933 journey on a dozen pages, plus as many photographs). Locomotives of the Boston & Maine RR (Portland & Rochester, Sullivan County, Vermont Valley, StJ&LC). Brief Sojourns by Ann Arbor (Michigan Central). 100th Anniversary of Opening of the First Steam RR in Massachusetts (Boston & Worcester RR as far as Newton, 16 April 1834).
RLHS Cover35$35.00/$28.00October 1934. The Tyrone & Clearfield RR (Pennsylvania). An Early Streamlined Train (B&O in 1900). Early Railroad Items (lithographs, wood cuts, engravings). The History of San Francisco's First RR (San Francisco & San Jose RR on 10 pages, plus 4 illustrations). Locomotives of the Boston & Maine RR (Concord & Montreal, BC&M). The Early History of the "Milwaukee" (2 pages). Yesterdays at the Grand Central (New York City). Brief Sojourns by Ann Arbor (with 4 AA RR photographs).
RLHS Cover36NAFebruary 1935. Single subject issue: THE COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROAD by Carl F. Graves covers the time period 1883 up until 1924 when much of the abandoned roadbed became a state highway. This standard-gauge railroad ran from Colorado Springs westward, eventually reaching Grand Junction thru D&RG trackage rights. This comprehensive study of the CMRR covers 37 pages of text, then comes a ROSTER OF "COLORADO MIDLAND" MOTIVE POWER AND ROLLING STOCK and a 2 page table of PRINCIPAL STATIONS ON THE COLORADO MIDLAND showing distance from Colorado Springs, Station Names, with maximum grade existing between stations and Altitude Above Sea Level. Illustrations include a very nice full-page system map, a painting reproduction of Hagerman Pass where the CM crossed the Divide, and 8 locomotive photographs with 4 being full-page.
RLHS Cover37$35.00/$28.00May 1935. The Catskill Mountain Lines (New York). Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes RR System (Maine two-foot gauge). William Buchanan (New York Central & Hudson River RR Superintendent of Motive Power and Rolling stock). Yesterdays on the New York, Susquehanna & Western. Brief Sojourns by Ann Arbor. Notes on Early RR's. From Atlantic to Pacific (a recent record run of 3316 miles in 84 hours from New York City to San Francisco). Herbert Fisher obituary. The "West Point" of the South Carolina RR.
RLHS Cover38$35.00/$28.00October 1935. The Great Western Railway (England), Notes on the Broad Gauge Period 1835-1892 (18 fascinating photographs and numerous drawings demonstrate the genius of Isambard Kingdom Brunel). Early Days on the New Haven RR in New York. Locomotives of the Boston & Maine RR. The Tennessee & Alabama RR (Report on Conditions at the close of the Civil War). High-Liners covering early Michigan Central Pacifics with Stephenson gear. The Silver Engine by Rock Island (the story of the Grant Locomotive, named "America", sent to the 1867 International Exposition in Paris and subsequently purchased by the Rock Island. Unfortunately polishing all that silver became tiresome and the machine was stripped and eventually scrapped).
RLHS Cover39NAMarch 1936. 76 total pages with 12 illustrations. Single subject issue: The Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad. Published to celebrate the centenary of the first railroad in Canada. The Seven Chapters are: The Champlain and St. Lawrence RR; The Charter; The Building of the RR; The Official Opening of the RR-Early Difficulties -- Southern Connections; Extensions to Rouses Point and St. Lambert and the First Signs of Financial Troubles; Rivalry and Amalgamation; Rolling Stock of the Montreal and Champlain RR. Then 5 Appendices deal with: (A) the Montreal and Champlain RR Co. is taken over by the Grand Trunk Ry Co. of Canada; (B) Regarding Jason C. Pierce as the "Father" of Canadian railways; (C) Officials of the C&StL RR; (D) Sources of Information; (E) Winter Operations in the Early Days.
RLHS Cover39ANA1936. Single subject issue: Documents Tending to Prove the Superior Advantages of Rail-Ways and Steam Carriages over Canal Navigation as written by John Stevens of New York City in 1812. A most interesting pamphlet as reprinted under the joint auspices of The Baker Library at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration and the R&LHS. Containing some 40 pages overall, the pamphlet is followed by objections of the Canal Commissioners of New York and a rebuttal to same. One of the rarest R&LHS books.
RLHS Cover40$35.00/$28.00May 1936. George Westinghouse (inventor of first practical train air brake). History and Motive Power of the New York, Ontario & Western. Chicago's Old Depots. The Tonawanda Valley Lines (New York). RR's and the Confederacy. Outline of Express History. Locomotives of the New Haven RR (10 pages, plus 8 photographs). Regulations for NYNH&H RR Timetable No.7, June 2, 1851.
RLHS Cover40ANASeptember 1936. Single subject issue: Locomotives of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 1904-1935. Part 1. 1904 was a year for major renumbering on the CB&Q and the reason for starting this book in that year. The two members who assisted the editor in this major work wished to remain anonymous. The text runs to 70 pages with as many as 5 dates for each locomotive such as date built, renumbered 1st & 2nd time, date rebuilt and when retired. 11 representative photographs are included ranging from an 1899 P-1 Atlantic to a 1930 O-5 Northern, both by Baldwin.
RLHS Cover41$30.00/$24.00November 1936. New York and Pennsylvania RR. Mason's Bogies. American-Built Locomotives Sold in England. The Ashley Planes of the Central RR of New Jersey. The Canadian Centenary. Locomotives of the New Haven RR. Letters to the Editor. Yesterdays on the Long Island (New York). General Mining Association. Montgomery Iron Works, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Knox RR, Formerly Georges Valley RR (Maine). Brief Sojourns by Ann Arbor. New York Chapter Notes.
RLHS Cover42$40.00/$32.00February 1937. Single subject issue: The Lehigh Valley Railroad by Chas. E. Fisher. Chapters are: The Lehigh Valley RR; Motive Power; Beaver Meadow RR; Lehigh & Mahanoy RR; Hazleton RR; Lehigh Valley RR Locomotives; Early Officers of the Lehigh Valley RR Co.; Motive Power Development on the Lehigh Valley RR Covering a Period of One Hundred Years. The 57 pages of text and rosters are augmented by a system map and 21 photographs.
RLHS Cover43$20.00/$16.00April 1937. British & Foreign Locomotives in Canada & Newfoundland. Delaware and Northern (New York). A "Days of Gold" RR (Nevada County Narrow Gauge RR of California). The Ten-Wheeler on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RR. The Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Ry Co.(Maine two-footer). Locomotives of the New Haven RR. History of the Illinois Central Passenger Stations on the Chicago Lake Front. The Fall River Line Steamboat Express (Massachusetts).
RLHS Cover43ANAJuly 1937. Single subject issue: Locomotives of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 1855-1904. Part 2. This book follows Part 1, No.40A, which covered CB&Q Engs 1904-1935 as published in September 1936. And now we go to the earlier locomotives in great detail on 67 pages, covering many of the predecessor roads of the over 200 that went into making up the CB&Q. The two authors, who wished to remain anonymous, spiced up this book with a lot of running CB&Q history that would have made it much less valuable if omitted. 16 representative photographs are included.
RLHS Cover43BNAAugust 1937. Single subject issue: The Railroads of Wisconsin, 1827-1937. A History of the Construction of Wisconsin Railroads, 1827 to 1937, compiled by James P. Kaysen, Civil Engineer, Madison, Wisconsin. This is a technical history, rather than a reading one, and the 69 pages contain such things as miles built per year for the various lines so you can actually determine which part of the railroads were built when. Or abandoned as the case may be. In 1936 the state had 6,949.45 route miles operated by 27 companies. The book contains 18 representative photographs.
RLHS Cover44$25.00/$20.00October 1937. Reminiscences of the First Railroad Over the Allegheny Mountains (Portage RR in Pennsylvania). The Billerica & Bedford RR of Massachusetts (first two foot gauge common carrier). The Newfoundland Ry (Canada). The Rogers Locomotive "Sandusky". Genesee and Wyoming (New York). A Common Carrier of the South Before and During the War (South-Western RR of Georgia, 1845-1869). Locomotives of the New Haven RR. Development of Railway Signaling is a comprehensive 12 page overview. History of the Chicago & North Western Railway's Chicago Passenger Terminal Station and its Predecessors. Brief Sojourns by Ann Arbor. Federal Documents Relating to RR's -- Some Highlights.
RLHS Cover45$30.00/$24.00January 1938. Single subject issue: The Virginia & Truckee Railroad (Nevada). Story begins with The Virginia and Truckee Railway by Gilbert H. Kneiss on 23 pages, including references, extensive notes and rosters, plus 26 photographs. Virginia & Truckee Railroad is from Williams "Pacific Tourist and Guide" of 1879 and describes the area as we travel along by rail over 4 pages. A 6-panel foldout map is attached at the rear of the book.
RLHS Cover46$20.00/$16.00April 1938. A Century of Car Design and Examples of Present Construction. Standardization of Time in Connecticut. Seth Boyden (New Jersey Inventor, 1788-1870). Some Notes on the Origin of the Syracuse and Chenango Valley RR (New York). The Hoosac Tunnel and Wilmington (Massachusetts, Vermont). History of the Moira & Bombay RR (New York). Sawyer River RR (New Hampshire). The Comet and Catawissa, Two Historic Bury Engines Built for the Little Schuylkill RR (Pennsylvania). The American Locomotive of the Sixties. Locomotives of the New Haven RR. Seward Peninsula RR (Alaska). Grand Central Station (Chicago).
RLHS Cover47$30.00/$24.00September 1938. RR Fans. The New "Century" (NYCS). The RR Mania in Amherst (Massachusetts). Messrs. Harrison, Winans & Eastwick (Early Engs for St. Petersburg, Russia). The Lackawanna and Bloomsburg RR (Pennsylvania). The Muddle of the Gauges. Lehigh and Hudson River RR. The Sterling Iron and Ry Co. (New York). Locomotives of the New Haven RR. History of the Northern New York RR. A Pen Picture (Excursion from The City to Fort Bragg using Northwestern Pacific and California Western)
RLHS Cover47ANAOctober 1938. Single subject issue: The Locomotives of the Chicago & North Western Ry. by F.A. Cole was done with the assistance of the American Locomotive Company and the Baldwin Locomotive Works and is about as thorough and accurate as you'll find anywhere. Obviously, by the publication date, there is not much to be said for anything other than steam power, but there are listings of Oil-Electric Switching Locomotives built by Ingersoll-Rand in 1926 & 1930 and Gas-Electric Motor Cars built by Electro-Motive and Pullman in the years 1925-29. The author provides 16 pages of history and details and then gets into the rosters with number, class, wheel arrangement, builder, builder's number, date, origin and scrapping date when known. 91 pages overall.
RLHS Cover48$20.00/$16.00March 1939. Single subject issue: THE ROMANCE OF THE RAILROADS ENTERING SACRAMENTO. Chapters: A Brief Outline of the City of Sacramento; The Sacramento Valley RR; The Central Pacific RR; History of the Sacramento Shops; California Pacific RR; California Central RR; The Western Pacific RR; Sacramento, Auburn & Nevada RR; The Freeport RR; The Sacramento Southern RR; Western Pacific RR; The Electric Lines.
RLHS Cover49$35.00/$28.00May 1939. The South Eastern Ry (Quebec, Vermont). The Connecticut & Passumpsic River RR (Vermont). The Buffalo and Susquehanna and Its Subsidiaries. A Brief History of the North Western's Madison Division -- The Baraboo Air Line (Wisconsin). Big Abandoned RR's. Locomotives of the New Haven RR. Whistler's Report on the Gauge of the Petersburg - Moscow RR. "The Wheeler Station" in Malone, New York. Continuous Rail. Chicago Union Station Company.
RLHS Cover50$25.00/$20.00October 1939. Locomotives of the New Haven RR. NY & NE Steam Car 1098. Early Rules and the Standard Code. Early Locomotives of the Lackawanna RR and Subsidiary Lines. New York's Oldest Ferry. The Unadilla Valley Ry (New York). The LaSalle Street Station, Chicago. Pacific Coast Chapter's Exhibit. The Society at the World's Fair.
RLHS Cover50ANAAugust 1939. Single subject issue: LOCOMOTIVES of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe System by S.R. Wood begins with Origin and Development of the Santa Fe System on 9 pages. Then a Summary of Compound Locomotives, and another of All Types. Predecessor and leased lines are described briefly on 3 pages. The remainder of the book is devoted to rosters. There are 91 ATSF pages, plus 24 locomotive/train photographs and one of the Nickerson, Kansas, roundhouse in 1886.
RLHS Cover51$30.00/$24.00
February 1940. Single subject issue: The Great Western Railway of Canada, Some Particulars of the History of the Road and Its Locomotives From its Commencement to its Amalgamation with the Grand Trunk Ry in 1882. Ground was broken in London, Ontario, in 1847, and by 1880, this 5.6 foot gauge line ran from Windsor and Sarnia to Southampton, Port Stanley, Toronto and Fort Erie. On 53 pages, plus a system map and 20 illustrations, with most being locomotive photographs. An Index for Bulletins 43-51 follows.
RLHS Cover52$25.00/$20.00
May 1940. 125 total pages. Biography of a Centenarian (John Driscoll,1837-?, Hudson River RR). The Development of the Anthracite-Burning Locomotive by Paul T. Warner on 17 pages. The Norfolk & Western Ry (7 pages, plus 4 photographs). The West Point Foundry (New York). The Private Library of John Bloomfield Jervis (early New York canal and RR builder). The Uintah Ry by Linwood Moody (63 mile 3 foot gauge line from Mack, Colorado, to Watson, Utah, with 7% grades. 7 pages, plus 8 photographs). William Frederick Harndon (founder of the express industry). The New York & Greenwood Lake Ry Co.(an Erie RR predecessor) on 7 pages. The Fairchild & Northeastern Ry Co. (Wisconsin logging road, 1878-1928). Locomotives of the New Haven RR (renumbering of 1904 on 8 pages).
RLHS Cover52ANAJuly 1940. Single subject issue: The Railroad in Literature, A Brief Survey of Railroad Fiction, Poetry, Songs, Biography, Essays, Travel and Drama in the English Language, Particularly Emphasizing Its Place in American Literature, by Frank P. Donovan, Jr. The book begins with 6 whimsical foldout maps of the world, with a continent on each one showing cartoon-type drawings of locations referred to later on. Subject matter fills 138 pages, plus photographs or drawings of such notables as Frank Spearman, Cy Warman, Frank Packard, Rudyard Kipling, Emile Zola, Christopher Morley, Edward Hungerford. A comprehensive reference book like no other.
RLHS Cover53$20.00/$16.00October 1940. 93 total pages. J. Frank Cook (Concord RR, & then a B&M engineman, totaling 56 years). Letters of John B. Jervis (D&H, 1825-1830) on 7 pages. Moncure Robinson (a Virginian pioneer railway civil engineer) on 3 pages. Hocking Valley Ry (Ohio) on 16 pages. Bringing the Rails to Boise (Idaho, 1887) fills 8 pages. Locomotives of the Bangor & Aroostook RR (7 pages, plus 17 photographs and a map). RR's and Their Construction -- Cost -- Advantages (1828). Early Air-Conditioning of Ry Psgr Cars. The Rouses Point Bridge (connecting Vermont and New York) on 7 pages. Locomotive Costs (Amoskeag, 1855). The Boston (first locomotive on the Allegheny Portage RR). Watching the Train Go By (L&N, early 1900's).
RLHS Cover54NAJanuary 1941. 241 total pages, being by far more than any of the other 136 Bulletins, containing over 100 photographs. Single subject issue: HISTORY of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL by Roy L. Martin. The 24 Chapters are: Organization of the Road; On the Way North; Into the Deep Woods; South from Ashland; The Phillips Scandal; Mile Post 101; The Milwaukee & Northern; Exit Phillips & Colby; Headed West; Chicago Bound; Chicago Terminal; Main Line Progress; The Gay and Serious '90's; Hazy Retrospection; Kolze; Side Issues; The Doldrums; Seagoing Freight Trains; The Shops; The West End; Boom Island; A New Terminal; Finale; Wisconsin Central Men. The 5 Appendices are: Corporate Structure; Construction Record; Rules of the Pioneers; Locomotives of the Wisconsin Central; The Wisconsin Central of 1853.
RLHS Cover55$20.00/$16.00May 1941. 95 total pages. Some Unpublished Letters of John B. Jervis Concerning RR Construction & Operation fills 29 pages concerning the Mohawk & Hudson RR 1821-1835. The Old Hudson River RR Depot and Abraham Lincoln in New York City in 1861 & 1865 by Warren Jacobs is on 9 pages. Fall Brook Ry (Pa. & N.Y.) by W. W. Robinson fills 12 pages). A Note on the Los Angeles and San Pedro RR in 1869 on 3 pages. Locomotives of the Maine Central RR by C.E. Fisher fills 9 pages including 6 photos and a map. The Bangor & Piscataquis RR follow up on BAR Locos is on 3 pages. The Empire State Express is covered on a page plus.
RLHS Cover52BNAAugust 1941. Single subject issue: LOCOMOTIVES of the Southern Pacific Company by G. M. Best. 112 pages, plus 63 photographs. A 9 page introduction to the Espee is then followed by the main subject title organized into 3 parts: the Atlantic System, east of El Paso; the Pacific System, west of El Paso; and locomotives of the Sud Pacifico de Mexico. This section begins with brief histories of all the predecessors lines on 9 pages. Detailed rosters and photographs fill the rest of the book.
RLHS Cover56$22.50/$18.00October 1941. 128 pages. New Haven and its Six Railroads by Sidney Withington, on 20 pages, celebrates a century of rails in this Connecticut city. Early Canadian Rolling Stock by Robert R. Brown is 25 pages of UK & North American builders who built locos for Canada 1836 to 1860. The Original Rock Island Bridge Across the Mississippi River by Frank L. Fowle is 9 pages on the 1856 CRI&P bridge that involved Abraham Lincoln in its right to exist. The Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway by O.P. Maus is on 23 pages with 13 photos. Locomotives of the Maine Central R.R. by Chas. E. Fisher conclude this series over 11 pages with 8 photos. The John C. Pratt by Lawrence Doherty tells of this 1868 Taunton Loco built for the O&LC RR and about the man for whom it was named.
RLHS Cover57$35.00/$28.00January 1942. Single subject issue: THE TWO FOOTERS by H.T. Crittenden. 139 pages, plus 23 photograph pages. Lines covered: Billerica & Bedford RR (8 pages) (Massachusetts); Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes RR (57 pages); Bridgton & Harrison Ry (14 pages); The Monson RR (6 pages) (those 3 were in Maine); The Gilpin RR, Gilpin County Tramway (6 pages) (Colorado); The Mount Gretna Narrow Gauge Ry, Owned by Cornwall & Lebanon RR Co. (4 pages) (Pennsylvania); The Kennebec Central RR (9 pages)(Maine); The Laurel River & Hot Springs RR (2 pages) (North Carolina); The Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Ry (22 pages) (Maine); The Silver City, Pinos Altos & Mongollon RR (4 pages) (New Mexico).
RLHS Cover57RNAReprint of 2001 of the January 1942 single subject issue: THE TWO FOOTERS by H.T. Crittenden. 163 pages with 37 photographs covers the usual suspects in Maine, but also ventures into Massachusetts, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Colorado. On glossy stock with a color Edaville cover.
RLHS Cover58$17.50/$14.00May 1942. 96 total pages. Bion Joseph Arnold, 1861-1942 by D.W. Yungmeyer, on 10 pages, was a talented electrical engineer, inventor and R&LHS member. Three-Cylinder Locomotives by Paul T. Warner, filling 14 pages, begins with the advantages of three versus two cylinders. The downside, of course, is maintenance of that relatively inaccessible third cylinder. The Chesapeake Beach Ry by Hugh G. Boutell tells of this once famous line that ran 28 miles from Washington DC to Chesapeake Bay and was rescued by Otto Mears. There are 14 pages of text, 11 photos & a map. The Prairie du Chien Pontoon Bridge by Alden E. Miller, on 9 pages, is the story of this amazing floating drawbridge on 9 pages, plus 4 photos. Locomotive Builders of the U.S., 1835-1900, by Chas. E. Fisher fills 24 pages.
RLHS Cover58ANAAugust 1942: Single subject issue: Vermont Central --Central Vermont, A Study in Human Effort, by Edward Hungerford, David W. Sargent, Jr., Lawrence Doherty, Charles E. Fisher. The book contains 96 CV pages, plus a map and 25 photographs. The chapters in the Index read: Vermont Central--Central Vermont; New London & Northern RR; The Rutland RR; General History of the Ogdensburgh & Lake Champlain RR; Notable Graduates of the Vermont Central RR; Inglis Stuart; Daniel Willard. The latter two being obituaries. Willard was born along the VC in 1861 and it was his first employer. Best known as the B&O's compassionate president.
RLHS Cover59$17.50/$14.00October 1942. 109 total pages. The Famous Class P Psgr Engines, Pennsylvania RR, by C.B. Chaney details Class 16 Standards on 4 pages . The RR in Current Literature by F.P. Donovan, Jr., updates his R&LHS BULLETIN No.52A on 9 pages. The Chicago Tunnel Co. by H.T. Crittenden tells on 7 pages of the 1909 2 foot gauge line. An Early Sleeping Car Pioneer by Chas. E. Fisher is 8 pages about William Henry Paige. A Former Rail Center in the White Mountains: North Conway, N.H., by C.F.H. Allen is on 6 pages, plus 10 photos. The Junction City – Horton Wooden RR by R. Mills tells this Oregon logging story on 5 pages. The Malone Shops by L. Doherty is this New York story on 5 pages. The U.S. Military RR’s by C. E. Fisher is 14 pages starting with an 1866 report by Col. D.C. McCallum.
RLHS Cover60$50.00/$40.00January 1943. Single subject issue: The Railroads of Oklahoma by Preston George and Sylvan R. Wood on 78 pages, plus 28 photographs and a foldout state RR map. The Table of Contents, with appropriate abbreviations, reads like this: Short History of RR's in Oklahoma, pages 6-25; Table of steam & electric RR mileage in 1940, p.26; Table of all companies that have operated in the state, p.27-28; Corporate History and constructions records of RR's... p.27-73; Index of corporate identities that have built or operated steam or interurban lines .... p.74-77; Bibliography p.78; Map of Oklahoma with all lines built 1870-1940, p.79.
RLHS Cover61$20.00/$16.00
May 1943. 113 total pages. The Life Story of the Locomotive C.P. Huntington as Told by Itself fills 32 pages. Horatio Allen's Impressions of English Railways by W.C. Kessler is on 20 pages. The Story of Anthracite by W.J. Coughtry covers 7 pages and begins in 1828. The Mountain Division of the Maine Central RR by C.F.H. Allen is on 3.5 pages and has 6 photos. The Start of the Hartford and New Haven RR, and the Use of Strap Rail Through Meriden by W.G. Snow is on 3.5 pages and contains 2 photos of the writer’s strap rail. Parley Ide Perrin by Chas.E. Fisher is 5 pages on a foreman at the Taunton Locomotive Works in 1846. Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern by W.W. Robinson covers 13 pages, including an Eng roster, 6 photographs and a system map.
RLHS Cover61A$20.00/$16.00
August 1943. 98 total pages, with 18 photo pages. Single subject issue: History of the Fulton County Narrow Gauge Railway, Spoon River "Peavine", by E.W. Mureen. The railroad ran 61 miles southeast from Galesburg, Illinois, to West Havana on the west bank of the Illinois River. As the author wrote: "the America of Abraham Lincoln, Edgar Lee Masters and Carl Sandburg. The three-foot gauge line was acquired by the Burlington in 1908, which abandoned two thirds of the road in 1935. Chapters are: Birth of the Narrow Gauge; Havana to Fairview; Fairview to Galesburg; Physical Characteristics; Equipment; Service; The Human Side; The Widening of the Gauge; the Dismemberment and Financial. An extraordinary report on a very ordinary RR, complete with maps and photographs.
RLHS Cover61AR
$20.00/$16.00Revised Edition. 128 total pages. This is the 1988 Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, as published by the Chicago Chapter of the R&LHS. Revision is pretty much limited to a few footnotes and more photographs. Photo reproduction is very good in this 120 page book printed on quality paper. An introduction and brief biography of the author by his son, Robert W. Mureen, who edited this edition, may be why this book is nearly as popular as the original. See No.61A for details on the contents.
RLHS Cover62$17.50/$14.00October 1943. 112 total pages. Atlantic Type Locomotives by P.T. Warner fills 14 pages and includes 12 photos. Andrew’s Raid, A Ballard by Carrie Weaver Smith covers pages 21-38 and is a poignant verbal version of The Great Locomotive Chase. Von Gerstner and Our First Locomotives by Chas. E. Fisher lists our earliest locos on 18 pages beginning in 1838. The Carlton & Coast RR by R. Wood & R.V. Mills is 5 pages on this Oregon logging road. The Bath & Hammondsport RR by G.W. Erhardt in on 3 pages. The Story of Emma Nevada Kimball is a Ward Kimball, Grizzly Flats, tale by Jerry Best on 5 pages. A Unique Memorial Windows in a church in Stevens Point, Wis., is shown and described over 6 pages. Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern RR roster corrections are on 2 pages.
RLHS Cover63$35.00/$28.00January 1944. Single subject issue: Locomotives of the Katy, Missouri-Kansas-Texas Lines, by Sylvan R. Wood. 150 pages, 41 photos, of Katy History, Locomotives & More! The 21 Chapters include such as the History of the Katy on 16 pages; Development of Motive Power; Classification and Numbering of Locomotives; Summary of All Equipment Owned as of Oct. 31, 1939; Locomotives of MKT and predecessor companies, e.g: Kansas City & Pacific RR, Texas Central RR, Wichita Falls & Southern RY, Denison & Washita Valley RY, Beaumont & Great Northern RR, East Line & Red River RR ; Report of Locomotives for Year 1874; Locomotive Boiler Changes and those Equipped with Superheaters and Excerpts from Shop Records at Parsons, Kansas. The photographs are sharp and well reproduced.
RLHS Cover64$10.00/$8.00May 1944. History of The 4-6-0 (Ten-Wheeled) Type Locomotive (24 pages, plus 10 more photo pages). The Rochester, New York and Pennsylvania RR. Notes on the Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern RR Co. by C.F. H. Allen (7 pages plus 8 photographs). The Pittsburg and Shawmut RR Co. Financing Super-Railroads by J.W. Barriger, III. Robert Wright (inventor & Winans' mechanic sent to Russia). Pennsylvania RR Class O Engines. The Dismal Swamp RR Co.(42 inch gauge logging road in the Virginia tidewater area. 10 pages including 6 photographs). A Few RR Statistics Or Who's the Biggest? Brief History of The Argentine Central Ry. M.C. Poor (Colorado narrow gauge road on 9 pages, that ran 16 miles from Silver Plume, just above the Georgetown Loop, to the summit of Mt. McClennan at 14,007 feet above sea-level).
RLHS Cover65$12.50/$10.00October 1944. Andrew Jackson Stevens (1833-1888, General Master Mechanic, Central Pacific RR, Sacramento). Selected Items From the Minute Book of the Galena and Chicago Union RR Co. (16 pages). History of the Denver, Boulder & Western RR Co. by M.C. Poor (12 pages, plus 10 photos, maps, equipment rosters, a profile chart, etc.). Louisa RR -1836-1850; Virginia Central RR -1850-1868 (became C&O mainline in Virginia). The Carrollton RR (Kentucky). A Trip to the World's Fair. Some RR Landmarks of New York City. The Numbering on the "Pennsy" (locomotives).
RLHS Cover66$10.00/$8.00March 1945. The Monterey and Salinas Valley RR --- California's First Operating Narrow Gauge (21 pages plus 4 photographs). The Illinois Central Suburban Service During Steam Operation (Chicago). The Cumberland & Pennyslvania RR (Cumberland, Maryland, to Piedmont, West Virginia, on 14 pages, plus 24 photos). The Ten Wheeler on the Maine Central RR. We Observe 100th Anniversary of The Passing of the First Expressman (William Harnden). Railroad Song Night (Feb.16, 1945, at the New York Historical Society auditorium).
RLHS Cover67$10.00/$8.00May 1946. Single subject issue: History of the Locomotives of the Reading Company by George M. Hart. 145 pages on Reading Locomotives, home built & purchased, including 55 locomotive photographs, 6 drawings and 2 maps. Contents include: Brief History of the RR; Bibliography and Acknowledgments; Reading Locomotives, 1836-1871; Locomotives Built (new) at Reading Shops, Reading, Pennsylvania, up to 1871, 1871 until April 1900 and April 1,1900 to December 31, 1944, ...; The 1900 Classification System; Valve Gear and Types of Valves; The Unclassified Locomotives. A most impressive book!.
RLHS Cover67A$25.00/$20.00August 1946. Single subject issue. The Narrow Gage Railroads of Colorado by Lucius Beebe. Now why did Lucius use gage instead of gauge? Or was he over ruled by the editor? Doubtful, see No.66 above. Gage has other meanings and gauge does not. Beebe was Beebe. Contents: Durango (13 pages plus 8 photographs); Telluride (10 pages plus 6 photos); Farmington (2 pages plus 2 photos); Silverton (6 pages plus 6 photos); Alamosa (4 pages and a grand photo of the San Juan at full throttle at Carbon Jct.). The photographs in this volume are professionally done as you would expect from Beebe & Clegg. A Rio Grande Southern steam power roster of 1941 is included.
RLHS Cover68$12.50/$10.00November 1946. The RR Comes to Big Creek (eastern Tennessee). The Future of the Steam Locomotive As Viewed From a Historical Background. Locomotives of the Union Iron Works (San Francisco) by G.H. Kneiss. The Hardwick & Woodbury RR by John S. Kendall (Vermont, on 11 pages including a map and 6 photographs). The Class "R" Locomotives of the Pennsylvania RR. Pacific Type Locomotives by Paul T. Warner (22 pages of text, plus 24 photographs).
RLHS Cover69$7.50/$6.00May 1947. Single subject issue: Whistler's Railroad, The Western RR of Massachusetts by Charles E. Fisher. Simply put, the Western Rail Road running from Worcester, Massachusetts, to Greenbush, New York, across the Hudson from Albany, was the first mountain railroad in the world. Fisher tells the story over 116 pages with chapters such as: Early Canal Routes; The Beginning; State Aid; Opened at Last; The Winans Engines; Why the Trains Ran Late; Addison Gilmore and Chester W. Chapin; The Battle for Rates; The Motive Power; Locomotive Roster; Three Famous Men: Whistler, Bliss and Chapin; A Plea for a Western RR; Report on the Running of the Road - 1839; Resignation of G.W. Whistler; Acceptance of Whistler's Resignation; Organization and Duties of Officers - Feb. 1, 1843.
RLHS Cover70$7.50/$6.00August 1947. Ross Winans by L.W. Sagle. Hoosier Heritage -- The Monon. The Canada Southern Ry. The St. Lawrence and Industrie Village Ry. The Buffalo & Susquehanna RR Co. by C.F.H. Allen (20 pages). DL&W RR Locomotive Classification. The Milford, Matamoras & New York RR by G.M. Best (near Port Jervis, New York). A Much Traveled Engine, Pennsylvania RR No.1053. Our Silver Anniversary Dinner.
RLHS Cover71$10.00/$8.00November 1947. The San Diego & Arizona Eastern Ry. Co. by R.P. Middlebrook and G.M. Best (18 pages, plus 24 photographs and a map). Montreal and Lachine Rail Road, 1847 - 1947 by Robert R. Brown. Atlantic and Great Western (an Erie predecessor), A Study in Values, by Edward Hungerford. George Stephenson by Ada Louise Barrett (a biography on 21 pages). The Virginia Southwestern RR System at War, 1861-1865. Railroad Paper Money.
RLHS Cover72$12.50/$10.00July 1948. Single subject issue: The Locomotives of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and Its Subsidiary Lines, by F. Stewart Graham. 140 pages, plus 30 photographs and a system map. Part 1 covers: Development of the Lackawanna RR System; The Wide Firebox Locomotives; Summary Tables of the Locomotives; Rosters of RR's Included in the Renumbering, May 15, 1899. Part 2 covers: Locomotives in Service at the Renumbering of 1899 and Placed in Service after that Date; Rosters of Roads Acquired After the 1899 Renumbering; The New Locomotives Since 1899; The 1899 Classification System; Locomotives Received Each Year, 1899 through 1947; Renumbering, 1900-1947 ? THE ROSTERS then runs from page 91 to page 141. Complex, but complete.
RLHS Cover73$7.50/$6.00May 1948. The Otto Mears Passes (solid silver or buckskin). History of the Camden and Atlantic RR and Associate RR's. Tom Thumb: Little Known Facts About First Locomotive Built in America Slowly Come to Light. A History Sketch of the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal RR Co. and Its Predecessor Companies. The Locomotive Feed Water Heater. The Norfolk and Virginia Beach RR..
RLHS Cover74$7.50/$6.00October 1948. Early History of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR in Illinois. The Locomotives of the South Park RR (Colorado. 13 pages with tonnage ratings). Locomotives of the Adirondack Ry Co. (New York). Howard Still, Western Railroader. Rails Among Peaks, Three Little Lines (running out of Silverton, Colorado, on 22 pages, plus 13 photographs and a map).
RLHS Cover75$25.00/$20.00January 1949. Single subject issue: Locomotives of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System by Sylvan R. Wood.182 pages,plus 62 photographs,detailing ATSF Locomotives up to 1948. 13 chapters cover development of the Santa Fe system, early and modern motive power, compound steam locomotives, summaries of steam locomotives of all types and by builders, a complete roster of all locomotives, 1869-1948, locomotive rosters of predecessor and subsidiary lines. And items of special interest, such as the Scott Special, "Famous Richmond Tramp," and formulas for determining the rated tractive effort of compound locomotives.
RLHS Cover76$12.50/$10.00March 1949. The Chicago and Aurora RR. Rails Among Peaks (Denver & Rio Grande in the San Juan Mts. of Colorado on 25 pages, including 8 photos and a map. Detailed station listings for the Silverton, Ouray & Lake City Branches). The RR's of McKean County, Pennsylvania, Including the Narrow Gauge System of the Erie (42 pages. including 4 full-page photographs of the Kinzua Viaduct).
RLHS Cover77$7.50/$6.00July 1949. Locomotives of the Denver & Rio Grande (45 pages including 36 photographs and a map). A History of the Suburban Service of the Rock Island RR in the Chicago Area (30 pages including 4 photographs and 3 maps). The Annual Meeting. Resolution honoring the late Edward Hungerford.
RLHS Cover78$7.50/$6.00October 1949. Short History of the Panama RR (49 pages, including 15 photographs, plus 2 foldout maps). The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR: February 14, 1855 -- July 9, 1856. Canada's Earliest RR Lines. The RR's of McKean County (Western Pennsylvania). Short History of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Ry (10 pages).
RLHS Cover79$7.50/$6.00March 1950. Single subject issue: The Norris Locomotives by P.C. Dewhurst. " Between the years 1831 and 1868, in this country, the Norris locomotive was equally famous with that of Baldwin, Rogers and other builders. By 1861 or 1862, they had probably built more locomotives than any other builder and by 1868, when the plant closed its doors, it had probably completed around 1500 locomotives. Their product went to all parts of this country and to other countries as well." Norris was located in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, area. The book has 99 pages devoted to the Norris machines, including 24 pages of photographs and drawings.
RLHS Cover80$7.50/$6.00May 1950. 130+ total pages. The California Southern RR (San Diego to Barstow) by Richard V. Dodge is covered in detail over 46 pages. The Central Military Tract RR (Galesburg, Illinois, to Chicago) by A.W. Newton covers the period from Feb.1851 to July 1856 on 10 pages until the road became part of the CB&Q. Locomotives of the Panama RR are rostered by Alexander Saunders on 10 pages, plus 15 photos. The RR's of McKean County (northwestern Pennsylvania) by C.F.H. Allen tells the story of 7 roads over 17 pages, including the, McKean & Buffalo; Olean, Bradford & Warren; Kendall & Elred; Kinzua Ry & Valley RR. The Bennington & Glastenbury RR (Vermont) by F. Stewart Graham is on 3 pages.

RLHS Cover81$7.50/$6.00October 1950. 110 total pages. Steam Locomotives of the New Zealand Government Railways, 1872-1949, compiled by T.A. McGavin, fills 16 pages with text and 17 more with photos. Northern Cross RR by A.W. Newton, on 6 pages, received its charter in 1837 to build from the Illinois-Indiana state line to Quincy, Ill., on the Mississippi River. The Railroads of McKean County (northwestern Pennsylvania) by C.F.H. Allen continues from No.80, starting with 17 pages on the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry. Then 20 more pages (including photos) on other obscure roads like the Mead Run RR and Kinzua Hemlock RR. The Memphis Branch of the Louisville & Nashville RR (1850-1871)by G.W. Lindsay is on 3 pages.
RLHS Cover82$10.00/$8.00April 1951. 111 total pages. The Gravity RR of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. by G.M. Best has 18 pages of text and 12 photo pages. The Peoria and Oquawka RR (Illinois) by A.W. Newton covers 8 pages. A Rail Fan on Foot (Hampden RR of Mass.) by C.O. Egerton is 10 pages about a very expensive railroad that was built but never operated. Why, no one really knows. Drawings by the author add to the intrigue. Virginia Antebellum RR Equipment by C.W. Turner is on 14 pages. The Railroads of McKean County (Western Pennsylvania) starts off with the Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern and fills 17 pages with text and photos. An Old Rogers Locomotive? is on 4 pages The Boston and Mt. Desert Limited rates a page plus.
RLHS Cover83$10.00/$8.00July 1951. 116 total pages. Single subject issue: Locomotives of the Canadian Pacific Ry. Co., on 107 pages that include 40 photographs, by Omer S.A. LaVallee and Robert R. Brown. This definitive work is organized as follows: Introduction; Locomotive Builders; Government Construction: Pembina Branch; Thunder Bay Section; Prairie Section; Pacific Section; Series I, 1881-1905; Series II, 1905-1912; and Series III, 1912-present. Only one page concerns diesel-electrics. The CPR had an immense variety of steam locomotives, from dual cabs to articulateds, to the last Standards to operate in North America. . This book belongs on the shelf of any Canadian railway worker, historian or steam locomotive student.
RLHS Cover84$7.50/$6.00October 1951. 100 total pages. The Bellingham Bay & British Columbia RR Co. by Fred Jukes, Philip Van Wych & Bruce Cheever covers this subject over 18 pages that include a foldout map and 13 photographs. The Ithaca-Auburn Short Line by John D. Denney, Jr., is the 11 page story of the New York, Auburn & Lansing RR. Grades reached 2.55% and the last train ran in 1923. The Savor of Old-Time Southern Railroading by Jesse C. Burt, Jr., fills 10 pages with memories of 1850-60 by old-timers on the NC&STL RY. Locomotives of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh RY are on 8 pages along with 8 photos. The Scranton, Dunmore & Moosic Lake RR (Pa.) by F. Stewart Graham rates 3 pages. The Northern Cross RR (additional information from No.81)is on 2.3 pages.
RLHS Cover85$7.50/$6.00March 1952. 92 total pages. Corrections to BR&P Roster. Pennsylvania RR in Maryland; Georges Creek & Cumberland RR; the Connellsville Extension of the Western Maryland RR is a combination of articles that add up to 18 pages, including 8 photos) of history of the Western Maryland RR. Hail and Farewell: Erie 4-6-2 No.2509, formerly ALCO No.50000, 1910-1950 is an obituary with 3 photos. American Built Locomotives in South Wales by D.S. Barrie tells on 5 pages of two 1899 Cooke 0-8-2T’s & five Paterson 0-6-2T’s. Ontario, Simcoe & Huron RY by Robert R. Brown tells on 8 pages of an attempt to finance a railway from Toronto to Lake Simcoe by holding a raffle. Narrow Gauge Locomotives in Western New York and Pennsylvania by Charles F.H. Allen rosters locos of 9 roads over as many pages, including 6 photos. The Hudson River Bridge (at Albany 1866) is on 2 pages. Manchester, Dorset & Granville Ry Co. (Vt.) is on 3 pages.
RLHS Cover86$17.50/$14.00July 1952. 151 total pages. Single subject issue: The Story of the Florida Railroads, 1834 - 1903, by George W. Pettengill, Jr. The Table of Contents perhaps describes it best by page devotion: 3 pages to Florida's Transportation Background; 35 pages to the Three Eras of Florida's Railroads: The Railroad Prior to the Civil War; The Civil War and Reconstruction Era; The Bloxham Era and the Consolidations; 16 pages to Predecessors of The Seaboard Air Line Ry; 39 pages to those of the Atlantic Coast Line RR; 7 pages to East Coast of Florida RR’s; 5 pages to Georgia Southern & Florida RR; 10 pages to Predecessors of the Louisville & Nashville In Fla.; 3 pages to Florida's Forgotten Railroads and 2 pages to an Index of Corporate Entities.
RLHS Cover87$7.50/$6.00October 1952. 136 total pages. Some Early Locomotive Patents by P.T. Warner fills 36 pages and contains 16 drawings. Appendix to Historical Sketch of the Central Military Tract RR (a CB&Q predecessor) by A.W. Newton is on 15 pages. Louisville & Nashville's Pacifics and Mountains by D.P. Morgan has 16 pages with 10 photos. Through Car Service from New England by C.E. Fisher fills 12 pages. 100 Years of RR Progress, 1851-1951, by J.H. Kiracofe is on 24 pages. The Origin of Locomotive Class Names by J.H. Kaskell covers 18 pages, including 8 photos. Next are: Worth Reading, New Books, and minutes of the special meeting (to change by-laws) & the annual meeting, In Memory of.
RLHS Cover88$10.00/$8.00May 1953. 184 total pages. 101 Valve Motions by Fred Jukes on 48 pages is the 1st installment of this 4-part series. The Adirondack Railway Co., Passenger Traffic, by David S. Weatherwax is on 4 pages. Richmond & Alleghany RR by Laura E. Armitage on 10 pages was begun in 1878 to build from Richmond 230.31 miles west to Clifton Forge, Va. The Aurora Branch RR financing by A.W. Newton fills 8 pages. Gauges by Robert R. Brown takes a 9 page look at the development of standard gauge. Corrections to Loco Rosters in Bulletin No.86 fills 14 pages. The New Jersey RR & Transportation Co., by Leslie E. Freeman, Jr., on 60 pages concerns this line that opened for business in 1834 and owned much of the road you ride today on Amtrak.
RLHS Cover89$10.00/$8.00November 1953. 204 total pages. Henry Villard, the Northern Pacific Ry builder, by Francis P. Donovan is on 7 pages. 101 Valve Motions by Fred Jukes is the 2nd installment--67 pages Hackworth to Sissons. The Mason & Oceana RR by R.W. Garasha is the 1875 Ludington, Mich., logging road story on 15 pages. Diary of Horatio Allen in 1828 England fills 42 pages. The Steam Locos of the Pennsylvania RR b y C.E. Fisher rosters those 1847-1869 on 20 pages. Pittsburgh, Chartiers & Youghiogheny Ry by Ivan Saunders is a brief history followed by a locomotive roster. R.I. 4-6-2’s on the C.M.&St.P. are mentioned on a page, as is Sir Humphrey Davy.
RLHS Cover90$12.50/$10.00May 1954. 212 total pages. 101 Valve Motions by Fred Jukes is the 3rd installment -- 62 pages Walshaerts to Belpaire-Stevart's. Southern Ry System - Memphis Division by G.W. Lindsay on 11 pages starts is 1832 and ends describing current operations and historic structures. Locomotives of the Rutland RR and its Subsidiary Lines by F. Stewart Graham fills 33 pages, plus 8 photo pages, including The Diesel Locomotives (As if anybody cared). A History of the Elkhart & Western RR Co by J. H. Kiracofe is on 18 pages. The Steam Locos of the Pennsylvania RR System by C.E. Fisher fills 28 pages with text and photos. Aurora Branch RR Co., First Depot and its Successors, Aurora, Illinois, by A.W. Newton fills 7 pages. The Marl Trains of the Camden & Amboy RR by N.R. Ewan is on 3 pages.
RLHS Cover91$10.00/$8.00October 1954. 202 total pages. The English Influence on American RR’s by Earl J. Heydinger fills some 39 pages beginning before the 1850’s. 101 Valve Motions by Fred Jukes is the 4th installment -- 51 pages with drawings and descriptions from Bonneford to Loose Eccentric. Lot 646 by C.L. Collum is an 1880's report on the narrow gauge RR’s in the oil region of Pennsylvania. The Magnolia Cut-Off by F. E Riffle is the 19 page story of this great B&O RR line improvement. The Old Class HA Locos of the Central Pacific by D. l. Joslyn is on 3 pages. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR - transition from wood to coal burning in 1855. The Steam Locos of the Pennsylvania RR System by C.E. Fisher fills 23 pages. John S. Powell (early PRR photographer) & the PRR Station at Lima, Ohio, are short features.
RLHS Cover92$7.50/$6.00April 1955. 150 total pages. The Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern, and All Associated & Predecessor Roads, Part 1, by C.F.H. Allen fills 79 total pages including a loco roster. The Strong Locomotives by P.T. Warner is a 10 page work, with 6 photos, concerning those designed by George S. Strong of Philadelphia. Motive Power of the CB&Q, as of May 1, 1858, by A.W. Newton is on 6 pages with 4 photos. French Locos for the Memphis, El Paso & Pacific RR by Fred Jukes tells why they never arrived on 3 pages. Of Builders’ Plates & Construction Numbers by F.S. Graham is on 7 pages. That author continues on 3 pages with More About Vermont’s RR war. The Vandalia by C.E. Fisher is on 3 pages. Henry Witherly Benchly (1822-1867) by A.F.Muir was a Texas RR Conductor & a Mass. Lt. Governor.
RLHS Cover93$10.00/$8.00October 1955. 179 total pages. Frank H. Spearman, The Zane Grey of Railroading, by Frank P. Donovan, Jr., is one famous RR writer discussing another. The Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern, Part 2, by C.F.H. Allen continues on from No.92 over 56 pages, plus 16 photo pages. The Lincoln Inaugural & Funeral Trains by G. M. Campbell tells this story on 7 pages with a foldout map included. The USRA Locomotives by W.D. Edson on 7 pages tells us that 1,856 were built to 12 designs, followed by 14 more pages of listings & tables. Logging RR’s of Northern Minnesota by F.A. King fills 23 pages, plus 10 photo pages. The Wabash by C.E. Fisher fills 9 total pages covering steam locos. Wilheminastraat 59, Haarlem, Holland, discusses valve gear over 8 pages.
RLHS Cover94$25.00/$20.00March 1956. 217 total pages. Single subject book: Locomotives of the Southern Pacific Company by Gerald M. Best and David L. Joslyn. This edition starts with: The Southern Pacific Company, which covers corporate history on 11 pages, before listing predecessor roads with a brief description of each over 9 pages. Loco rosters begin on page 27 and end on page 154, interspersed with 45 photo pages that usually have two locos on each page, some with just one. Rosters begin with a Rogers machine of 1869 and end with a 3 foot gauge GE diesel built in 1954. Steam Locomotives of the Southern Pacific comes next as Sacramento career shop man, D. L. Joslyn, adds 15 pages on the performance and problems with various SP steam machines.
RLHS Cover95$7.50/$6.00October 1956. 118 total pages. The Orient Road, A history of the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient RR by J.W. Higgins fills 50 total pages that include a complete loco roster. Railway Equipment Up the River---Minnesota; 1861-69, by W.E. Becker tells on 19 pages how it was done before rail connections from the east arrived in 1867. Moguls or Ten-Wheelers by F. Stewart Graham covers strange Rogers’ Engs on 2 pages. CB&Q RR, Chicago Terminals, by A.W. Newton fills 11 pages plus. History, Development & Function of the Locomotive Brick Arch by Charles Ringel is on 6 pages with 27 drawings. Disaster at the “Tin Bridge” by M.B. Wakefield is 4 pages on the 1887 Boston & Providence RR wreck that killed 23 in Dedham, Mass.
RLHS Cover96$7.50/$6.00May 1957. 126 total pages. Pineapples, Sugar and War, by Gilbert H. Kneiss is 9 pages on the Oahu Ry & Land Co. in Hawaii along with 16 photos. The Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern and All Associated and Predecessor Roads by F.H. Allen fill 6 pages, plus 13 photos. The Beech Creek RR by Howard F. Greene & C.C. Edmiston covers this Pennsylvania coal line on 20 pages, plus 9 photos and a map. Eight-wheelers between New York and Philadelphia, 1870-1900, by Paul T. Warner has 17 pages, plus 4 photos. The Story of a Mountain RR by Franklin J. Langsdale concerns the Pittsburgh, Westmoreland & Somerset RR in Pennsylvania on 17 pages. The Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton RR by C.E. Fisher is on 3 pages, with 6 photos. B&O renumbering required by dieselization is on 2 pages.
RLHS Cover97$7.50/$6.00October 1957. 124 total pages. The Railway of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge (1883-1950), by Charles S. Small is on 14 pages, plus 11 photo pages. A loco roster is included. Some Early Brown Locomotives on the C.P.R. by Fred Jukes is the story of CMO Francis R.F. Brown on 6 pages of text, plus 6 with illustrations. Phineas Banning and the Los Angeles and San Pedro RR by Gilbert H. Kneiss covers 28 pages. More Otto Mears Passes shows three. Elliott's Engines on the Reading by Frederick Westing, on 12 pages, plus photos, refers to Edward O. Elliott who designed P&R locos from 1902 to 1915. He was a 3 cylinder advocate and designed the PRR K5. The Cylinder Cars by George Zabriskie fill 6 pages with circa 1855 unpopular coal cars. The “Clover Leaf” by C.E. Fisher briefly describes the Toledo, St. Louis & Western RR.
RLHS Cover98$10.00/$8.00April 1958. 122 total pages. The Lake Superior & Ispeming RR Co. by A.A. Durocher with 25 text pages, plus 15 photographs. The Strange Case of Robert Schuyler by S. Withington fills 15 pages with the story of the first NYNH&H RR president. Some early Locomotive Patents by P.T. Warner covers 16 pages discussing patents issued to Forney, Fairlee, Hudson, etc., 1866-1895. The Emmitsburg RR & the Monocacy Valley RR, both of Maryland, is 10 pages by W.R. Hicks, with a loco roster and 6 photos of the ERR. Short articles cover diverse subjects such as: Joseph Stubbs who was the First Locomotive Engineer on the Aurora Branch RR, Illinois, in 1850; "John Brown" Steel Rail; The Whitneyville & Machiasport RR in Maine; The Hocking Valley Ry (Ohio).
RLHS Cover99$7.50/$6.00October 1958. 120 total pages. Early Steam Suburban Railroads in Los Angeles by G. M. Best included everything from the Cahuenga Valley to the Ostrich Farm RY on 19 pages, with 20 photos. The Reading "Columbias"" by F. Stewart Graham discusses the 11 unsuccessful 2-4-2 locos over 3 pages, plus 3 photos, a roster and a drawing. The Mammoth Cave RR by E.C. Sulzer fills 10 pages telling of this 8.7 mile line that ran from the L&N at Park City, Ky., to Mammoth Cave and operated from 1886 until 1931. A map and 6 photos are included. The Maine Central in Northern New Hampshire by C.F.H. Allen is 15 pages, with 16 photos, on RR’s in the Coos Valley, the Mountain Division and the Bartlett & Albany. Swedish Steam with Richmond Plates is on 2 pages, the Toledo & Ohio Central RY on 4.
RLHS Cover100$10.00/$8.00April 1959. 157 total pages. Mogul Type Locos by P.T. Warner on 16 pages with 16 photos. The Goldfield RR’s by J. F. Webber is 11 pages, with a map, loco roster & 14 photos, about the RR’s around Tonopah, Nev., including the Tonopah & Tidewater, the Las Vegas & Tonopah and the Bullfrog - Goldfield RR. "Fat Annie" -- Pioneer 'Pennsy' Pacific by Fred Westing brings us to 1906 and covers 8 pages , including 2 photos. Psgr Locomotives: British vs. American by Fred Jukes goes to the 1890's for this 14 page article, including drawings and 7 photos. Locos of the Montpelier & Wells River and Barre & Chelsea RR's by F.S. Graham with an all-time roster & 12 photos on 9 pages. The Steam Locos of the New Haven RR by C.E. Fisher fills 14 pages plus 10 photos. Tyrone Division (PRR) is on 3 pages, the Spencer S. Bullis story on 7.
RLHS Cover101$7.50/$6.00October 1959. 100 total pages. Single subject edition: PIONEER LOCOMOTIVES OF NORTH AMERICA by Robert R. Brown, fills 70 pages, plus the 9 photo pages, with drawings and a few photos of replicas. As the steam era draws to a close in North America, Brown says its time to take a look back at the earliest days. He does so by listing dozens of pre-1850 railways in alphabetical order and stating their end points, original gauge, type and weight of rail if known, date incorporated, first operated, and/or completed and a roster of the first locomotives. The listing begins with the Alabama, Florida & Georgia Rail Road Company on page 11, and ends on page 76 with the Wrightville, York & Gettysburg RR. A great reference for who was doing what in the 1830’s.
RLHS Cover102$7.50/$6.00April 1960. 102 total pages. A Kentucky Thoroughbred, A Workhorse And Two old Sires; Being an Account of Four Segments of the Louisville & Nashville is 21 pages, with 16 photos, by Prof. E. G. Sulzer, with Lexington to Paris, Shelbyville to Bloomfield, Jett to Frankfort, Louisville to Portland covered. The Kahului RR by R.A. Ramsey fills 10 pages, with 4 photos, with this Maui story. Early Northern Pacific Consolidations by Fred Jukes is on 12 pages, 4 photos, and focuses on the Eames Vacuum brakes. Some Old Inventories and Jacking Up Locomotive Bells by C.E. Fisher is 6 pages with a Hartford & New Haven RR roster. Notes on the Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain RR by C.F.H. Allen is on 8 pages with 3 photos. The Chicago & Wabash Valley RR of Indiana by J.H. Kiracof in on 6 pages.
RLHS Cover103$7.50/$6.00October 1960. 125 total pages. "Sir Henry" - Some Notes on the Life of Sir Henry Thornton by J. Plomer is 14 pages on the late CNR president. Narrow Gauge in Fiji by Peter Hodge details this operation on 20 pages complete with a map, the usual rosters and 20 photos. The Case of Coleman vs. the New Haven RR by R.F. Coggeshall explains this unusual legal wrangle over 6 pages. Seattle Coal & Transportation Co. by H.G. Benton contains a map, 4 photos, a roster and bibliography spread over 10 pages. The New Haven's Wooden Coaches by C. E. Fisher is 4 pages of text, plus 12 photos. Loco Builders Not Mentioned in Bulletin No.58, May 1942, cover 4.5 pages. An Old Inspection Eng on the Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry is on 2 pages, Early Locomotives in the South adds to Bulletin No.101 over 9 pages.
RLHS Cover104$7.50/$6.00April 1961. 103 total pages. The Confederates Gather Steam by Edward B. Burns is 24 pages of detailed text, 8 photos or drawings, a map, and a roster of Locomotives Carried South by Confederates telling of Stonewall Jackson’s many successful railway escapades during the U.S. Civil War. The Railroads of Guatemala and El Salvador by Gerald M. Best fills 23 pages along with 29 photos and a map. Grant’s Silver Locomotive by John H. White, Jr. tells us about this famous 1867 production of the Grant Locomotive Works on 6 pages. The New Haven’s “Combines” & Baggage Cars by Charles E. Fisher fills 4 pages along with 12 photographs. A great resource for period NYNH&H RR modelers.
RLHS Cover105$7.50/$6.00October 1961. 120 total pages. The Influence of Government Regulation on the Management Decisions of 45 New England RR's, 1830-1900, is 17 pages by C.J. Kennedy being an excerpt from the history of the B&M RR being prepared by the author (never published). The Development of RR's in Washington by C. Thomas covers the USA capital district on 10 pages with 7 photos and 3 drawings. Forney's on the "Alley" El is 5 pages by Fred Jukes about steam on the 9-mile Chicago & South Side Rapid Transit Co. RR's on the First & Second Anthracite Coal Fields of E.J. Heydinger fills 13 pages with details on many obscure roads. The Kentucky and Tennessee Ry, "The Route of the Painted Rocks" by E.G. Sulzer is on 13 pages with 12 photos. The Parlor & Sleeping Cars of the New Haven RR is on 5 pages with 12 photos.
RLHS Cover106$7.50/$6.00April 1962. 117 total pages. The Andrews Raid by W.G. Kurtz, Sr., details this 1862 U.S. Civil War story over 13 pages, including 8 illustrations. A Brief History of the First Electric Locos on the New York Central RR by R.S. Burpo fills 5 pages. Baltimore & Ohio Stations in Baltimore by L.W. Sagle is covered over 10 well-illustrated pages. The Steam Locomotive Whistle fills 8 pages with text, drawings & photos. The Influence of the Schuylkill Navigation Canal by E.J. Heydinger fills 5 pages followed by Schuylkill County (Pa.) RR Activity on 3 more. The Bangor, Oldtown & Milford RR (Maine), 1836-1869, by H.S. Walker fills 11 pages with text, photos, a map and a loco roster. The Prossner Steam Street Car by D.L. Stearns is covered on 2 pages. A Vision Fulfilled tells of the opening of Mexico's Chihuahua Pacific RR on 2 pages.
RLHS Cover107$7.50/$6.00October 1962. 141 total pages. Let's Call Things by Their Proper Names by E. H. Charlton lists some strange & common RR terminology spread over 3 pages. Iron Brothers - The Crooks & the Rice by W.F. Becker discusses these GN predecessor locomotives of the 1860's on 15 pages. Group IV - Mine Hill & Schuylkill RR by E.J. Heydinger continues the early anthracite RR series in Pennsylvania. Group V – The Mt. Carbon RR & the Danville & Pottsville RR follow on 6 more pages. Pilots, Here and There by Fred Jukes fill 46 pages with drawings and text in this definitive work on loco pilots. The Importation, Use, and Disposition of the First Steam Locos in the Western Hemisphere by W.J. Coughty fills 11 pages. A Ride on a Locomotive by Mrs. C. Nedella tells of her 1934 steam cab ride on B&O’s Capitol Limited over 5 pages.
RLHS Cover108$7.50/$6.00April 1963. 100 total pages. An Abandoned Kentucky RR- The Artemus - Jellico RR by E.G. Sulzer covers this obscure line over 18 well-illustrated pages. Group VI - The Little Schuylkill , The E.M.; L.S.&S.; CATAWISSA; T.H.&N.; D.S.&S. by E. J. Heydinger on 10 pages concerns the many RRs in the Pennsylvania anthracite coal fields in the early boom years. Group VII - The Mahanoy & Shamokin and The Shamokin, Sunbury & Lewisburg RR's by the same author adds 5 more pages. The Lorton and Occoquan RR by C.B. Thomas is 9 pages on the penal colony line run by the Washington, D.C., Dept. of Corrections. The End of Steam on the Maine Central by C.F.H. Allen has 16 pages with 11 photos. The United States Military RR's by C.E. Fisher covers this Civil War era subject over 27 pages including extensive locomotive rosters.
RLHS Cover109$7.50/$6.00October 1963. 87 total pages. The Stone Mountain Scenic RR J.G. Bogle has 5 pages telling about this tourist operation at the Confederate Memorial Park near Atlanta, Ga. The Centipede by J.H. White, Jr., details this famous 1855 Winans B&O loco over 5 pages. Group VIII - RR's of the Lehigh Valley - Pennsylvania RR Groups by E.J. Heydinger continues the Pennsylvania anthracite story from previous editions with more RR’s and locos covered over 14 pages. The Dry Fork RR by W.R. Hicks is 8 pages on this West Virginia line that connected with the WM & C&O 1894 to 1936. Some Additional Remarks on Mr. P.C. Dewhurst's Article on the Norris Locos fills 10 pages, plus 3 pages of related letters. The Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburgh RR by C.A. Fisher is on 8 pages with history, photos and a complete loco roster.
RLHS Cover110$7.50/$6.00April 1964. 118 total pages. Charles Peter Clark, 1836-1901, by C.E. Smith, tells over 32 pages of text about this amazing gentleman who consolidated what was to become the New York, New Haven & Hartford RR Co. The Twin-Headlighters by C.E. Fisher is 5 pages about the Boston & New York Air Line RR of "White Train" fame and the locos that had two headlamps side by side. The Life and Times of the East Broad Top RR & Coal Co. by F. Kyper tells the history of this still famous Pennsylvania narrow gauge line over 16 pages of text, plus 12 photo pages. RR's of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co. by E.J. Heydinger continues the Pennsylvania anthracite story over 11 pages. Seattle Terminal Ry by H.G. Benton is on 6 pages, plus a map. Railroading Seventy Years ago by J.H. Crimmins is 4 pages of what life was like back in 1894.
RLHS Cover111$15.00/$12.00.
October 1964. 111 total pages. Two subjects edition. The Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway Company by A.A. DuRocher is covered on 75 pages, including 22 photographs, with detailed history of predecessor lines and comprehensive loco data. Some of the chapter headings are: The First Days; Early Railroad Development: 1851-1872; Iron Mountain RR; Marquette & Ontonagon RR; Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon RR; Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette RR; Marquette & Western RR; with Locomotives information following each line. Alvin Fay Harlow, Historian, Biographer, RR Writer and Chronicler of The America Scene by F.P. Donovan on 8 pages is an obituary for this man well known to anyone who studies RR history in North America. Harlow was born in Sedalia, Missouri, in 1875, and died in 1963.
RLHS Cover112$7.50/$6.00April 1965. 107 total pages. The Little Giant ... The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR by D. Duke fills 32 pages in this definitive work on the P&LE. Included in this highly-readable feature are 17 photographs, a map, and a 3 page loco roster. Smoke Stacks, Ours and Others, by Fred Jukes fills 10 pages with 34 drawings of early stacks in all shapes and sizes. Hook and Eye - Imperial Valley's Holton Interurban by R.P. Middlebrook, on 9 pages, is about this Calif. steam shortline running from Holtville to El Centro. Dewey Brothers Locomotives by M.C. Dunn III is 8 pages about Goldsboro, N.C., and some clever & very different little locomotives. The Little RR That Lives for Beer by C. B. Thomas is the 5-page story of the electrified Texas Transportation Company with about a mile of track in the City of San Antonio.
RLHS Cover113$7.50/$6.00October 1965. 125 total pages. The West Virginia Central & Pittsburgh Ry, by W.R. Hicks is this book's definitive work that covers some 26 pages, plus 13 more pages of photos. This is a story of Senator Henry Davis and the RR that became his monument. The North-South RR's of America, by R. Cooper is 11 pages on early N-S roads in the USA only. The Harvard Branch RR, 1848-1855, by R.W. Lovett is a 22 page Reprint from the Proceedings of the Cambridge Historical Society. The Locomotive Industry in the United States 1920-1960, A Study in Output and Structural Changes, by H.S. Norton does just that over 13 pages of texts, figures and charts. Worcester Salt Specials, by C.F.H. Allen is the 7-page story of these interesting & famous unit trains out of Silver Springs, New York, to various northeast destinations.
RLHS Cover114$7.50/$6.00April 1966. 100 total pages. The Chicago, Cincinnati & Louisville RR G.W. Hilton covers 15 pages with text, a loco roster, timetable, map and 4 loco photos. Sugar Plantation RR's in Hawaii by R.A. Ramsey contains great detail on 22 pages. Kahuku and Lihue Plantations, Oahu Sugar and Waialua Agricultural Cos. are represented. American "Single" Express Locos by J. H. White, Jr., is 10 pages about steam locos with a single pair of driving wheels as built by Rogers, Eddy, Winans and others. Pioneer Locomotive of Puget Sound by H. G. Benton is the 4 page story of the "ANT" built in 1871. Baldwin Locos on the DL&W by F.S. Graham fills 10 pages. Tidewater & Western RR by C.F.H. Allen covers this Virginia road on 5 pages. Informal History of the Williamstown & Redfield RR by R.F. Palmer is 6 pages in 1860's New York State.
RLHS Cover115$10.00/$8.00October 1966. 160 total pages. Single subject edition: The story of the Green Bay and Western by Ray& Ellen Specht. This RR ran from the Lake Michigan port at Kewaunee, Wis., to the Mississippi River and Minnesota border at East Winona, Wis. There are 14 chapters including: GB&W; Construction of the RR; Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western; La Crosse Branch; Stevens Point & Northern; Ahnapee & Western RR; Iola & Northern RR; Waupaca-Green Bay Ry; A New Regime; Power on the Green Bay Route; Traffic; Etcetera; Biographies. The final page is a Bibliography. There are 68 photo pages with 5 of those in color. Written by Wisconsinners and printed in Wisconsin with high-quality Wisconsin paper. This book raised the bar for focus and quality in the R&LHS BULLETINS.
RLHS Cover116$10.00/$8.00April 1967. 133 total pages. Wisconsin & Northern RR by C.C. Nelson is the story of “The Short Line” between the Fox and Wolf River valleys as told over 23 pages of text, plus a map, timetable & 58 photos, with some being full page. The RR's of Columbia, South America by H.L. Harrison covers 26 pages with this definitive work. Plus 25 more pages of sharp photos and a foldout map. The Atlantic Loco in New England by C.F.H. Allen covers this subject on 6 pages, plus 4 more with 8 photos and a roster. A Rare Example of "Piggy-Back" by H.G. Hill explains that oft-seen photo of one steam loco on top of another at Marlboro Jct., Mass., on 04 Feb. 1898. The Stourbridge Lion of 1829 is on 2 pages. The Golden Age of RR Books by J. Plomer fills 5 pages.This book, like No.115, was printed in Wisconsin with high-quality Wisconsin paper.
RLHS Cover117$7.50/$6.00October 1967. 103 total pages. The Bellefonte Central RR by Paul D. Simpson is the 11 page story of this Centre County, Pa., shortline, that ran from Bellefonte to Pennsylvania State College. A full page map and 6 rolling stock photos are included. RR Strike of 1877 in Altoona by S.C. Walker covers this sad story on 10 pages, including two drawings. Korean National Ry by J.G. Bogle is 8 pages of text, a full page map, and 14 full page photos of operations in South Korea, circa 1963, when steam still ruled. The "Great Short Line" in Reconstruction, 1865-1876, by C.W. Turner is the 14 page story of the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac RR. The first loco on the Auburn & Rochester RR is covered over 6 pages by R.F. Palmer, who then goes on to tell of the Syracuse & Onondaga RR on 3 pages, with both roads being in New York State.
RLHS Cover118$7.50/$6.00April 1968. 132 total pages. History of the Wisconsin and Michigan Ry by R. McLeod is the 14 page story of the line that ran from Iron Mountain to Menominee. 11 more pages have illustrations. Railroads in Art by Mrs. E.M. Seestedt covers this subject in detail over 22 pages, ending with a List of Artists containing 70 names. Locos of the Sub-Lines of the Philadelphia & Reading Ry by F.S. Graham is an 18 page listing, plus 8 more of illustrations, of locos acquired by the P&R. A Railfan's Story by Ed Turner goes back to 1886 and the Fitchburg RR. This fascinating tale fills 18 pages. Two Days on the Erie Road by S. Sharley on 5 pages is from Harper's Magazine of Feb.1857. Unusual Wreck on the "Peanut Line" of the NYC near Batavia, N.Y., in 1884 is 2 pages by C.F.H. Allen. Old Ironsides, Baldwin's First Loco by J.H. White, Jr., fills 2 pages.
RLHS Cover119$12.50/$10.00
October 1968. 130 total pages. Poughkeepsie Gateway by D.W. McLaughin is the 28 page story of the Central New England Ry with 31 photos on additional pages. The CNE was famous for its Hudson River high bridge, which is still famous as a N.Y. state park. More About Locos of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry by R.R. Rothfus covers this subject in detail with 23 pages of text, plus a roster and 24 photos. Farewell to the Twentieth Century Limited by A.D. Dubin tells us of the last run on 03 Dec. 1967 over 6 pages. The Suppression of "Bad news" About the Early RR's by E. Heydinger is on 4 pages. The "Coldwater" Is Born by F.C. Cliffe concerns the Mansfield, Coldwater & Lake Michigan RR of Ohio on 6 pages. The Yankee Clipper by H.G. Hill is a poem and 3 photos about a famous NY,NH &H RR train.
RLHS Cover120$7.50/$6.00April 1969. 140 total pages. The Diminutive High Iron of Massachusetts Bay by F. Kyper fills 49 total pages, half in photos, detailing the Fore River RR and the Union Freight RR. The Location of RR Psgr Depots in Chicago and St. Louis, 1850-1900, by C. Abbott addresses this subject over 17 pages. Roots of the Woodstock Ry by E.T. Meade, Jr,. cover this Vermont line on 15 pages, including 4 of photos. Kahului RR -- Final Chapter by R.A. Ramsay covers this little RR in Kahului, Maui, Hawaii, on 6 pages. Shawmut Notes by C.F.H. Allen is 4 pages on the Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern. Farewell to the Lark by S.K. Schiechl is on 4 pages (SP 1968). Tucson, Cornelia & Gila Bend by C.E. Munson is on 5 pages. The First Skaneateles RR & the Lebanon Springs RR are on 10 pages by R.F. Palmer. A UP RR story dates from 1867 is on 5 pages.
RLHS Cover121$7.50/$6.00October 1969. 129 total pages. Single subject issue: Milwaukee and Northern; Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western by Ray Specht. Paper and printing produced by firms located along the former Milwaukee and Northern. You’ll notice the high quality paper as soon as you open the book. Just about 125 pages of text, photos, maps, timetables, graphs, charts, and so on dedicated to these two fascinating Wisconsin roads. There are 57 high quality photo pages. Depots photographed are at De Pere, Elkhart Lake, Menasha, Hilbert, Neenah, Milwaukee in 1884 and 1892, Appleton, Green Bay, Wausaukee, Stiles Jct., Amberg and Kaukauna. The author was assistant to the vice president for Business Affairs for Wisconsin State University at Stevens Point, Wisconsin. See BULLETIN No.115 for the author’s, and his wife’s, other major R&LHS work.
RLHS Cover122$7.50/$6.00April 1970. 140 total pages. A Long Line of Mountains by J. Plomer refers to 4-8-2’s operating in the Republic of South Africa. This definitive works has 19 pages of text, plus 12 pages with 23 glossy photos. The Cumberland Extension - Western Maryland RR Co. by W. R. Hicks covers 10 pages of text, plus 10 more photo pages with some great construction photos. History of the Cape Giradeau Northern Ry by R. McLeod is a 7-page piece on this curious Missouri road, plus 6 pages of photos and a map .The Final Forty Years of Steam Loco Development on the New York Central by the C.M. Smith covers 8 pages, plus 2 of photos. Chicago Loco Builders by J.H. White, Jr., is on 9 pages, plus 4 more of drawings & photos. The Southern Central RR by H.V. Trice details this western New York outfit over 18 pages.
RLHS Cover123$7.50/$6.00October 1970. 151 total pages. The Troy Car Works, A history of Eaton and Gilbert , by T.W. Batson fills 22 pages about these famed builders of Troy Coaches of Troy, N.Y., who took up the RR business in the early 1830's, and succumbed to the panic of 1893. Locos for Madison Hill by E.G. Sulzer has 26 pages detailing the Madison & Indianapolis RR from the first rack loco of 1847 to PC No.8589. Missouri Southern: History of a Shortline by H.R. Grant fills 8 pages with text, plus 5 photos, of this typical Ozark lumber hauler. F. Kyper has a obituary for the Union Freight RR of Boston and the story of the 1890 OC Quincy Center disaster. High Road to La Jolla has 13 pages by H.P. Middlebrook on this 15 mile line north of San Diego. The Lima Loco Works by W.D. Edson & J.H. White, Jr., has the very complete story on 22 pages, plus 5 photos.
RLHS Cover124$7.50/$6.00April 1971. 120 total pages. The Bonanza Twins (V&T's Reno & Genoa) by G.M. Best fills 13 pages, including 12 photos, about these 4-4-0’s. The Dixie Flyer by J.G. Bogle is the 4-page story of the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry's “moving palace”. Rio Grande & South Western by V.J. Glover is 6 pages on this narrow gauge, 42-mile road, out of Lumberton, N.M. Carillon Park Museum by H. Pence, Jr., tells about this unique place near Dayton, Ohio, on 5 pages. Historic Railroad Sites lists 10 on 3 pages. Are Your Negatives Dying? by H.H. Harwood, Jr., explains on 5 pages. Uriah Wells, Locomotive Builder of Petersburg by T. Norrell gives us 10 pages on a Virginia industry. 2000 Plus, The Pennsy's H6 by R.D. Adams has this 2-8-0 story on 10 pages. The Russian Decapods by W.D. Edson tells all on 12 pages, plus 6 more of photos.
RLHS Cover125$7.50/$6.00October 1971. 118 pages. GOLDEN JUBILEE ISSUE. Looking Back Fifty Years of American Railroading by E.W. Williams, Jr., fills 42 pages with the many changes made since 1921, as the R&LHS celebrates the first 50 years. The 29 representative photos range from a Brill gas-electric to domeliners; bilevel autoracks; cushion underframes; Rutland steam to Penn Central diesels. Charles E. Fisher -- a Tribute by David P. Morgan fills 4 pages. Fiftieth Anniversary Banquet by Steam Dome covers 4 pages, and includes 5 rare photos of notable rail writers. Chapter Histories features the New York; Chicago; Pacific Coast; and Southern Calififornia Chapters on 13 pages, including 3 photos, written by those who knew them best . The Fifty Year Index fills 33 pages. Chronology of the Society is on one page.
RLHS Cover126$22.50/$18.00
April 1972. 148 pages. LEHIGH VALLEY ISSUE. The new editor, John H. White, Jr., begins his page with : "Charles Eben Fisher is dead." Corporate History of the Lehigh Valley R.R. by H.H. Harwood, Jr., fills 32 pages and includes a fine old map and a photo of the 1871 Waverly, N.Y., coal dock. All Time Lehigh Valley Roster, 1836-1972, assembled by W.D. Edson, C.T. Andrews and G.M. Best, fills 69 pages with great detail and fine photos. LV RR Roster Notes by the Editors fills 6 more pages. Lehigh Valley Portraits, Leading Men of the Mechanical Department, by Steam Dome, makes interesting reading on the next 6 pages, and is followed by a 2 page Lehigh Valley Bibliography. This is the final R&LHS BULLETIN. The next book will be RAILROAD HISTORY No.127.
RLHS Cover127$7.50/$6.00October 1972. 116 pages. Train Sheds Preserved in Stations of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad by C.W. Condit fills 17 pages including 10 illustrations. America's Oldest Railroad Shops--Mt. Clare by L.W. Sagle relates this story over 18 pages, including 8 illustrations. After a Bibliography, Locomotives Built at Mt. Clare Shops 1829-1937are listed on 4 pages. Richard Norris Locomotives in California by G.M. Best covers 10 pages, including a roster and 6 photos. Stewart’s Journal – Railway Travel in 1869-1871 is interesting travel reading on 9 pages. A History of the Railroad Hand Car by J.H. White, Jr., is the definitive 29 page work on this fascinating railroad necessity. White doesn't spare words, nor illustrations, and shows us everything from an 1848 Reading car to a contemporary hi-rail Jeep.
RLHS Cover128$7.50/$6.00Spring 1973. 96 pages. USRA Freight Cars: An Experiment in Standardization by J.E. Lane fills 30 pages with text, drawings, photos and extensive tables of which railroad owned how many of what type of standard USRA design. Lomonossoff: A Diesel Traction Pioneer by B. Reed covers 15 pages to show that the Russians were not far behind the rest of the world in diesel locomotive development in the 1920's. The Broom Handle that made Stoker History by T.W. Bennett tells this tale over 18 pages, including 8 drawings and photos. This is first-person stoker history. Narrow Gauge to Oblivion: The Central Valley RR by R.F. Palmer is the 8-page story of what is believed to have been New York State's first narrow gauge railroad, incorporated in 1870, to build from Chenango Forks to Smithville Flats.
RLHS Cover129$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1973. 118 pages. Modern Steam in the South by David P. Morgan on 13 pages begins by defining the terms & territory, and includes 9 photos on Morgan's choices. Michigan’s Iron Cobweb by F.C. Olds fills 17 pages with the mid-Michigan lines defined by the territory that made the Pere Marquette. The Canadian National Employees Magazine 1914-1921 by B. Coleman fills 9 pages. Claudius Crozet, Napoleon’s Captain vs the Blue Ridge by W.E. Warden, Jr., on 12 pages tells how this French soldier built the RR out of Waynesboro, Va. The B&O’s Adventures in Western Penn. by H.H. Harwood, Jr., covers the BR&P story over 15 pages. The Canton Viaduct by E.D. Galvin is the 15 page tale of Amtrak’s most famous bridge. The Patton Motor Car by B.N. Smith is on 8 pages. The Hetch-Hetchy RR story is on 6 pages.
RLHS Cover130$7.50/$6.00Spring 1974. 134 pages. Electro-Magnetism as a Motive Power: Robert Davidson's Galvani of 1842 by Robert C. Post on 18 pages tells of very early trials. Charles T. Harvey and the New York Elevated Railway by Robert C. Reed is also an 18 page traction article. Big Man of the Big Four: M.E. Ingalls (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway) by John Paul Jones covers 10 pages. A Civil War Iron Clad Car is on 4 pages. The Beginnings of Telephone Dispatching covered on 5 pages. Why the Pennsy Modified the P5a Class Electrics by Frederick Westing is on 7 pages. Richmond Locomotive Builders by John H. White, Jr. fills 31 pages, followed by a Richmond Locomotive Construction List compiled by W.D. Edson on 9 more.
RLHS Cover131$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1974. 144 pages. The all-Erie Railroad Issue: An Outline History of the Erie fills 7 pages. Erie Locomotive Notes by G.M. Best is on 7 pages. The Orange (an 1841 Norris Eng built for the NY&E) is described on 3 pages. All Time Erie Locomotive Roster by G.M. Best, with some material supplied by G.W. Armstrong, adapted by William D. Edson, fills the next 98 pages as we go from Standards and Moguls to ALCO PA’s and GP-9’s. An HISTORICAL CHART shows a list of predecessor roads that made up the Erie RR. There is a total of 115 Erie Railroad pages, including 35 photographs, with some being full-page.
RLHS Cover132$7.50/$6.00Spring 1975. 128 pages. Cincinnati Passenger Stations Before 1930 by Carl W. Condit fills 32 pages and includes 13 illustrations. The Texas -- A Forgotten Hero by James G. Bogle tells the story of the “other” Civil War Eng in the Great Locomotive Chase on 10 pages. U.S. Steam Locomotive Builders by Donald K. Park II tells on 9 pages who built what and how many with a graph showing how LIMA came out of nowhere to match ALCO and Baldwin. The Profitability of Early American Railroads by Robert B. Shaw fills 14 pages. A Chronology of Iowa Railroads by Don Hofsommer is on 14 pages. Two pages describe Dearborn's Railroad Memorial of 1819. A Trip on the South Pacific Coast in 1882 on 7 pages is a reprint of an 1882 Railway Age article.
RLHS Cover133$7.50/$6.00Fall 1975. 128 pages. The all-Wabash Railroad Issue: The Wabash Railroad by William Swartz on 26 pages is a detailed corporate history followed by a bibliography. A Guide to the Predecessor Lines of the Wabash fills the next 5 pages. The All-Time Wabash Locomotive Roster by Swartz and W.D. Edson is on the next 78 pages. Here we have the photographs and drawings, ranging from the 1838 Rogers of the Northern Cross Railroad to a GE U25B No.503 built in 1962. There is an Index List by Locomotive Number, with a total of 109 Wabash Railroad pages containing 42 photographs. Obituaries for Lawrence W. Sagle and Thomas T. Taber follow the usual book reviews.
RLHS Cover134$7.50/$6.00Spring 1976. 128 pages. J. Edgar Thompson and the Georgia Railroad 1834-1847 by James A. Ward tells the interesting 30 page story of JET's early years before he built and presided over the largest corporation in the world, the Pennsylvania Railroad. Two Live "Abandoned" Rail Lines by Earl J. Heydinger is the story of Ohio's Mad River & Lake Erie and the Sandusky & Columbus Short Line as told over 5 pages, including the always essential map. Susquehanna Bridge on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore RR by George A. Parker is the 17 page story of the 1866 bridge at Havre de Grace, Md. Georgia Railroads During the Reconstruction Years by John F. Stover devotes 10 pages to this long-neglected subject. N.C.N.G End of the Line by Robert M. Hanft is a fitting 12 page obituary for the Nevada County Narrow Gauge running from Colfax to Nevada City, Calif.
RLHS Cover135$$7.50/$6.00Fall 1976. 120 pages. Railroad Shops and Car Building in Fond du Lac (Wis.) by Stuart M. Rich covers this subject on 30 pages from 1851 until the 1970’s, Wisconsin Central, then Soo Line. Dallas and Its First Railroad by Leon J. Rosenberg and Grant M. Davis fills 9 pages. The Church Hill Tunnel by Walter S. Griggs, Jr. is the 14 page story of the C&O RR tunnel in Richmond, Va., that saw its first train on 11 Dec. 1873. A 1925 collapse trapped a work train that is still there! The Biography of A Heavy Pacific by Robert L. Frey is the 20 page story of Northern Pacific's Q-5 & Q-6 Class Pacifics. Pullman's Board of Trade Special: The Train that came down Market Street by Gerald M. Best is the 1870 16 page story of a train from Boston to San Francisco. Photo Use: Responsibilities and Rights by Herbert H. Harwood, Jr. fills 5 pages.
RLHS Cover136$12.50/$10.00
Spring 1977. 156 pages. The all-Milwaukee Road Issue: The Singular Milwaukee --- A Profile by W.H. Schmidt, Jr. tells us how the 126 year-old railroad differed from all, or most others, in the business of railroading. The Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad was, and is, special even after death! Schmidt gives us a brief corporate history over 17 pages, including a map and Bibliography. Predecessor Lines of the Milwaukee Road is next over 6 pages, including a system map. Milwaukee Road Locomotives fill the next 102 pages with rosters and data and 45 B&W photos and indices and everything on Milwaukee Motive Power from Standards to SD-40's. Memorial Notices are obituaries for John W. Barriger III and Harry L. Eddy and those are followed by the 1976 R&LHS Annual Report.
RLHS Cover137$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1977. 116 pages. Erasmus Gest and the Cincinnati, Wilmington & Zanesville RR by Charles R. Schultz fills 15 pages starting in the 1850's. The Norfolk & Western’s Roanoke Shops and its Locomotives by Arthur M. Bixby, Sr., is on 18 pages, with 8 photos, and lists all locomotives built from 1884 until 1953. Manuscript Sources for Railroad History by Robert C. Post covers 26 pages with 500 listings of various materials cross referenced to RR names. The Pennsylvania’s Pioneer Rectifiers by Michael Bezilla is 15 pages dedicated to later model PRR electric locomotives. Working on the(Branch Line) Railroad by Don Hofsommer, has 14 pages with 5 photos, in Oklahoma, in the early 20th century, on the Wichita Falls & Northwestern Ry, which joined the MKT, The Katy, in 1911.
RLHS Cover138$7.50/$6.00Spring 1978. 128 pages. Railroad Car Builders of the United States by John H. White, Jr., is on 25 pages that include 16 illustrations. The Taunton Car Co. 1869-1873: Anatomy of a Failure by John W. Lozier fills 22 pages concerning this Mass. firm and the highly competitive car building business. Pullman Standard is a 19 page reprint from the Jan.1938 Fortune Magazine. Origins of the Steel Passenger Car by George Gibbons is on 4 pages. George P. Kimball: A Pacific Coast Car Builder by Editor White covers 10 pages that include a fine drawing of Kimball’s huge factory in San Francisco in 1868. A listing of available back issues is followed by the Annual Report of the R&LHS for 1977.
RLHS Cover139$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1978. 114 pages. The Portland Company by Richard F. Dole fills 34 pages with the story of this Maine locomotive builder. A listing of all locos built 1848-1906 is included and a few of those two-footers are still running. Mt. Clare Station, America’s Oldest --- Or is it? By H.H. Harwood, Jr., examines this query in detail over 15 illustrated pages. Running Special on the Burlington by Richard C. Overton tells on 11 pages of CB&Q President Perkins and his 1892 3,669.8 mile inspection trip. The Origin of American RR Technology by D.H. Stapleton fills 13 pages on who visited the UK to study RR’s. Locomotive Rosters for Major RR’s by W.D. Edson lists many on 7 pages, but ignores all those listed over the years in Railroad Magazine.
RLHS Cover140$7.50/$6.00Spring 1979. 146 pages. Editor John H. White, Jr., introduces us to this all Illinois Central issue and explains what the issue does and does not cover. Illinois Central Predecessor Lines by William D. Edson fills 5 pages. Then 105 pages, with 52 photographs of: Locomotive Rosters, Illinois Central Railroad & Predecessor Lines, ranging from an 0-4-0 of 1857 to GP38's of 1970. The Mississippi, A Southern Foundling by Editor White shows and tells over 5 pages, the story of the oldest surviving locomotive from an Illinois Central - related line. That locomotive is still a controversial subject today. See Railroad History No.218.
RLHS Cover141$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1979. 128 pages. The Great Schuyler Stock Fraud by Robert B. Show fills 14 pages with this 1854 NYNH&H RR story. Thomas H. Paul & Son, Locomotive Builders by G.M. Best discusses this small Frostburg, Md., company on 8 pages. Official RR Nicknames by K.R. Thompson & S.M. Cotner is a handy 7 page reference. Panhandle Locomotives by W.D. Edson is a roster of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis RR filling 27 pages. Wooten and the Reading shops by J. L. Holton is a 16 page story on these fat bellied machines and the city where they were constructed. The Narrow Gauge Fallacy by Editor White takes a harsh 21 page look at the narrow gauge world. Origin and Growth of Fast Freight Lines by W.W. Chandler devotes 18 pages to these 19th century services.
RLHS Cover142$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1980. 128 pages. The Literature of the RR Buff: A Historian’s View by Carl W. Condit fills 20 pages answering the whys and wherefores. Holmes Hinkley & The Boston Locomotive Works by John .H. White, Jr., covers 26 pages that include 9 drawings, 3 photos, and 1856 accounts. The Hinkley Locomotive Construction Record by William D. Edson is a 36 pages listing of all machines built 1841-89, including construction number, date, original purchaser, type, driver size, cylinder size and whether an innie or an outie, followed by an indexed customer list. The Lion: Lone Survivor from Hinkley by Richard F. Dole is on 2 pages. The Weems Torpedo: Two Miles per Minute in 1889 is a 2 page reprint from the Engineering News of 1889.
RLHS Cover143$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1980. 176 pages. Single subject book. The Great Northern Railway Company: Predecessors and Fully-Controlled Subsidiaries by Kenneth R. Middleton & Norman C. Keyes, Jr., fills 12 pages with listings of over 100 companies that made up the GN Ry. The same authors then continue on: The Great Northern Railway Company: All-Time Locomotive Rosters starting on page 20 and ending on page 162. There are 120 locomotive photographs, starting with St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba No.51, built in 1879, and ending with F-45 No.440, built in Sept. 1969, and photographed on June 8, 1970, three months after the GN Ry disappeared into Burlington Northern. This book quickly sold out and had to have a 2nd printing.
RLHS Cover144$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1981. 128 pages. Guest Editorial: History & the RR Photographer by Herbert H. Harwood fills 3 pages. Resurrection: The John Bull Steams Again at 150 Years of Age by John H. White, Jr., fills 20 pages, including 10 photos. Mississippi Southern RR: A Study in Perils & Perseverance by J.A. Ward is on 19 pages that include a locomotive roster. The Louisiana & Arkansas Ry: Structure & Operation in the Age of Steam by A.E. Brown covers 10 pages. Locomotives of the L&A and Component Lines by William D. Edson fills 16 pages that include 20 photos. The New Haven’s G-4a Ten-Wheelers by steam lover, Arthur M. Bixby, Sr., fills 9 pages followed by: New Haven Ten-Wheelers All-Time Roster by Bixby that fills 7 more pages. 9 New Haven photos are included in the 2 articles.
RLHS Cover145$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1981. 152 pages. Guest Editorial: New Steam in the 1980’s by W. W. Withuhn discusses the ACE 3000 project on 5 pages. The Ogdensburgh Connection: A Failed Dream in Northern New York by R.B. Shaw & S.G. Walsh devote 35 pages to the story of the Northern RR, which became part of the Rutland RR. The Lightweight Passenger Car with Special Reference to Pullman by W. Van Der Sluys fills 23 pages, including 14 photos, on the development of the lightweights. The Generals Up in Wall Street, Ray Stannard Baker & the RR’s, by E. L. Huddleston fills 19 pages. Closing the Gap: The Coast Line & its Bridges in Ventura & Santa Barbara Counties by Nan Lawler is on 19 pages. The Illinois Terminal: Corporate Structure & Steam Power by W.D. Edson includes a roster on 4 pages.
RLHS Cover146$7.50/$6.00Spring 1982. 128 pages. A.B. Stickney and James J. Hill: The RR Relationship, by H. Roger Grant is 13 pages on two men with differing ideas on RR regular. Stickney was president of the CGW, as Hill was of the GN. Genesis of a Miller's Road: The Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie, by Kenneth M. Hammer fills 6 pages. Westward from Denver: The Obsession of David Moffat by Steven F. Mehls takes a 12-page fresh look. The Greenback Raid by John H. White, Jr., is an 1864 B&O Civil War story on 6 pages. Ticket to Promontory by Robert A LeMassena devotes 6 pages to wondering where they went to? First Cable Cars in LA by Robert C. Post fills 6 pages. The Fitchburg RR: A Corporate Genealogy, by Harry A. Frye is on 4 pages, followed by Locomotives of the FRR, by William D. Edson on 38 pages with 31 photographs.
RLHS Cover147$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1982. 208 pages. The cover is in horizontal format, the book is not. A single subject issue: The Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. The Railroad History Awards my W.L. Withuhn fills 6 pages. The GT Ry of Canada, by Omer Lavallee is on 7 pages. The GT Ry : A Look at the Principal Components by Lavallee & R.F. Corley fills 12 pages that contain numerous maps. The GT Ry : Motive power Acquisitions by R.F. Corley has 12 pages. Locomotives of the GT Ry by W.D. Edson & R.F. Corley are listed on 55 pages that include 43 photographs. Next is the GT Loco Classification System, an Index by Loco Number and one of Predecessor Lines, followed by Locomotives of the Grand Trunk Pacific with an index to them by Loco Number. All together 180 Grand Trunk pages with 137 photographs.
RLHS Cover148$7.50/$6.00Spring 1983. 128 pages. Profile on Fred A. Stindt is 3 pages on this former R&LHS president . The Invention of RR Time Ian R. Bartky fills 10 pages with text and illustrations of all sorts, including the maps you expect. The Grand Narrow Gauge Trunk by G.W. Hilton on 17 pages tells of this 3 foot gauge empire designed to run from Toledo, Ohio, to Loredo, Texas. Chinese Construction Workers on the Canadian Pacific by David Lee covers 16 pages on this previously obscure subject. The Impact of the Great Northern Railway on Settlement in Montana, 1880-1920, by D. H. Hickcox is a 10 page study. The Flying Yankee by R.F. Dole devotes 8 pages to B&M & MEC trains that used this name from the 1880's to the 1950’s. The Clinchfield RR by W.D. Edson is 4 pages of operating history and 14 more of a steam loco roster.
RLHS Cover149$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1983. 152 pages. Profile: Cornelius W. Hauck on 3 pages. An Accounting Profile for RR Historians by Robert M. Hanft covers 5 pages on how RR’s cook the books. Dundee-built Locos on Canada’s First Railways by Omer Lavallee devotes 32 pages to 5 locos built in Dundee, Scotland, sent to Montreal-area railways in 1848-49 when only 14 locos were in all of Canada. Early Narrow Gauge Locos in the West by C. W. Hauck fills 19 pages with this 1870's accounting, including 17 photos. The Chicago Great Western RR by H.R. Grant is a 13 page summary of CGW pioneering, with a map and 8 photos. The Maine Central’s Waterville Shop Strike of 1922 by G. H. Merriam fills 18 pages. The Last Days of Southern Pacific Steam by F.A. Stindt is on 14 pages, with 11 photos and a list of all those donated for public display.
RLHS Cover150$7.50/$6.00Spring 1984. 152 pages. Profile: H. Arnold Wilder on 3 pages. Basic Conservation for Historic Documentary Material by T.D. Norris is on 8 pages. Once the Greatest of Builders: The Norris Locomotive Works by John H. White, Jr., devotes 69 pages to the definitive work on this early Philadelphia locomotive manufacturer that led all others in the1850’s. The first 40 pages contain dozens of drawings from an 1855 visit to the works and are quite unique in railroad history as we know it. The last 29 pages is The Norris Construction Record by W.D. Edson from June 1831 until 1870.William Montgomery's Nova Scotia Iron Works by Fritz Lehmann covers 20 pages with the 1870's story of this Halifax company. American Railroaders in Siberia, 1917-1920, by Carolyn B. Grubbs fills 9 pages, including 4 photos.
RLHS Cover151$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1984. 128 pages. Profile: John A. Goodwin on 3 pages. On Books, Reviews & Values by R.A. LeMassena is on 3 pages. Electric Railway Freight by William D. Middleton is a definitive work on this subject spanning some 54 pages and including 67 well-reproduced photographs. The Anglo-American RR War At Archangel, 1918-19, by B.D. Rhodes tells this tale of a Russian port city on 14 pages, including 5 photos and a map. China ---The Last Citadel by J.W. Swanberg warns readers about the last of world steam on 3 pages. On Time: RR’s and the Tempo of American Life by J.A. Ward devote 9 pages to this discussion. The “O.K. Quincy Route” by William D. Edson discusses the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Railway over 6 pages, including 3 photos, a CB&Q PTT reproduced page, and a rather complete locomotive roster.
RLHS CoverINDEXNA1985. 176 pages. THE RAILROAD HISTORY INDEX, 1921-1984, compiled by Thomas T. Taber III. This covers R&LHS books Nos. 1-151. This book begins with a table of contents, a foreword by R&LHS President, Fred A. Stindt, followed by: Introduction: On Railroad History and the Railway & Locomotive Historical Society by John H. White, Jr., on 5 pages. The index is divided into five sections: Authors; Railroad and Railroad History in the United States; Canadian Railways, Railways Worldwide and Individuals. All that is running from pages 15 to 147. Page 148 begins 23 pages of Book Reviews and this is divided into 8 sections to help you quickly discover whether the book that interests you was reviewed or not. Notes and Addenda complete this useful volume.
RLHS Cover152$7.50/$6.00Spring 1985. 152 pages. Profile: John Hoxland White, Jr., is 6 pages of autobiography. On Perfect Accuracy by G.W. Hilton fills 3 pages. Draughting the Steam Loco by R.M. Vogel is 14 pages on the earliest years, including 5 drawings. The Steam Engine in Prints and Photos by John H. White, Jr. fills 13 pages. Downeast Pioneer: The Bangor & Piscataquis Canal & Rail-Road Co. by R.F. Dole covers this 1836 Maine 12-mile line on 6 pages with 4 photos. The Maine Central Railroad: Predecessor Lines & Locos by W.D. Edson is 35 pages, including 21 photos. A Brief History of the Bangor & Aroostook RR, with an All-Time Loco Roster, by Jerry Angier has 21 pages with 14 photos. How a New Haven I-4 Pacific Became One of a Kind by A.M. Bixby is on 5 pages. To Santa Cruz on SP’s Sun-Tan Special by F.A. Stindt is on 9 pages.
RLHS Cover153$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1985. 152 pages. R&LHS Awards are on 6 pages. In Praise of Buffs & Other Matters by D.H. Hickcox has 4 pages on quality rail publications. On the Mark: The History and Symbolism of RR Emblems by J.A. Ward takes a 58 page look at North American railway emblems and tries to explain what and the why. Some 160 plus emblems are shown from an early Georgia RR to Amtrak and Conrail. To "Jettison Conventions and Taboos of Railroading": The Cotton Belt's Blue Streak by Don L. Hofsommer is 17 pages and 6 photos on the 1931 birth of one of the world's most famous freight trains and continuing with updates over the years. Raub's Central Power: The Little Engine that Couldn't by Gerald M. Best tells this strange 1880's locomotive story out of Port Jervis, N.Y., over 8 pages, including 3 illustrations.
RLHS Cover154$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1986. 168 pages. Profile: Commodore James Plomer is on 3 pages. America’s Most Noteworthy Railroaders by J.H. White, Jr., is 7 pages of criteria and a selection list. Three Components of the Chicago & North Western: The Omaha Road, The Louie and The Great Weedy by H. Roger Grant tells of the early history of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha; the Minneapolis & St. Louis; and the Chicago Great Western Railways over 24 pages with 13 photos and 3 maps. Locos of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha by W.D. Edson on 22 pages with 22 photos; Locos of the Minneapolis & St. Louis on 24 pages with 25 photos; Locos of the CGW on 28 pages with 37 photos. United Aircraft’s Turbo Train: The Transfer of Aerospace Technology to Rail Transportation by M.P. Chaney fills 11 pages & 2 photos.
RLHS Cover155$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1986. 152 pages. R&LHS Awards are on 6 pages. Profile: Arthur Detmers Dubin is on 3 pages. Light at the End of a Very Long Tunnel: The RR’S and The Historians by Albro Martin is a 19 page look at the social history of railroading. Railroads, Good Roads and Motor Vehicles: Managing Technological Change by B.E. Seely is 30 pages devoted to looking at the relationship between the railroads in the U.S. and the expanding highway system. The Western Maryland: A Corporate History by G.M. Leilich fills 22 pages with the story & 19 photos & a 1937 foldout system map. Steam Locomotives of the Western Maryland compiled by William D. Edson is on 26 pages with 28 photos & a roster beginning with No. 1 of 1859, and progressing in size up to the M-2 Challenger types built by Baldwin in 1940-41.
RLHS Cover156$7.50/$6.00Spring 1987. 128 pages. New Steam in the 1980s --- What Happened? by W.L. Withuhn takes a 5 page look at the ACE 3000 project. "A Man of Large Experience": Edwin Noyes and RR Development in Maine by G.H. Merriam is 19 pages on this official, serving 1847 to 1872, on the Androscoggin & Kennebec and the Maine Central RR’s. A Thorough Man of Business": Daniel C. Gunn, Pioneer Canadian Loco Builder by F. Lehmann fills 24 pages with the story. Locomotives of the Alton Route by W.D. Edson features the Chicago & Alton RR. The complete 30 page work starts with 0-4-0's and ends with a fine roster index. Included are 34 photos, with just 2 of those being diesels, although many are listed as all built in 1935-1945, and include 2 EMC early models and EMD E7's and ALCO S-2's and RS-1's.
RLHS Cover157$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1987. 160 pages. R&LHS Awards on 5 pages. Profile: George Krambles on 2 pages. The Well Known Narrow Gauge Railway Champion: Col. Edward Hulbert of Ga. by G.W. Hilton fills 29 pages with this 1870’s tale. Sounders and Silence: Some Isolated Train Order Stations in Fiction by J.R. Stilgo muses on 10 pages regarding Eddie Sand and Harry Temple. Promoting the Hudson River RR by S. Lubar has 9 pages with 6 drawings. A Piece of the True Cross: The Derby Horse Railway’s “Electric Line Motor” of 1888 by J.R. Stevens devotes 22 pages to the first successful railway vehicle in N. America. It still runs. Steam Locos of the Mobile & Ohio RR by W.D. Edson fills 25 pages. The Interstate Commerce Commission Valuation Records on RR’s by W.D. Edson has 3 pages. Obituaries for George Dow and Dr.Phil Hastings.
RLHS Cover158$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1988. 240 pages. Profile: Dutch Hendrick on 2 pages. RR History as Seen by the RR’s by H.R. Grant has 5 pages regarding official views of sharing historic files. Gerald M. Best: “Autobiography of a Railfan" edited by A.S. Menke devotes 58 pages, including 31 photos, to a prolific railfan. The Magic Box: Genesis of the Container by J.H. White, Jr., fills 21 pages going back to 1830. Admiral Plunkett’s Ry Battle Fleet by K.F. Schreier, Jr., has 9 pages and 6 photos. Famous Persons Involved in Train Wrecks by R.B. Shaw covers 5 pages. The Bell’s Gap RR and Its Successors: 1871-1941, by R.L. Emerson has 11 pages with this western Pa. story. Peoria & Pekin Union by P.H. Stringham has 6 pages. Locos of the Gulf, Mobile & Northern by W.D. Edson are rostered on 23 pages. Railroad Serials by G.W. Jenks fill 45 pages.
RLHS Cover159$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1988. 116 pages. R&LHS awards fill 6 pages. History of the Great Northern History by Don Hofsommer is on 4 pages. Running on Time by Ian Barsky spends 21 pages discussing the importance of timekeeping in railroading before the advent of Centralized Traffic Control. The Illinois Central and Growth of Illinois and Chicago in the 1850 by J.F. Stover is on 12 pages with 5 photos. Locomotives of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern by W.D. Edson begins with 5 pages of history, a motive power overview, 2 maps, and a list of predecessor roads. Then EJ&E Steam Locomotives are rostered on 14 pages, followed by 3 more pages of EJ&E Diesel Locos, with 7 photos. Discussion names more famous persons in train wrecks. Additions & Corrections to the Mobile & Ohio roster in RRH 157 follow.
RLHS Cover160$7.50/$6/00.Spring 1989. 240 pages. Early Railroad Empire Builders, 1850-1873, by J.A. Ward fill 17 pages with names familiar and not: Vanderbilt, Scott, Thompson, the Big Four, Pullman, Palmer, Cooke, etc. "Crookedest Railroad in the World" - Who Says So? by Ted Worm concludes with: Nos.1 & 3 are in India, No.2 is the Uintah, Nos.4 & 7 are in Calif., Nos.5 & 8 in Colo. and No.6 in Ariz. Numerous maps and 23 photos are in this 29 page article. Research Note: Santa Fe’s 120-ton Industrial Works Derrick by R.W. Pelouze covers 10 pages with 9 illustrations. The National Railways of Mexico by W.D. Edson is 72 definitive pages of construction history, maps and rosters of NdeM locos with 46 photos and a 4 page locomotive index. Profile: William D. Fletcher. Obituary: Richard C. Overton.
RLHS Cover161$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1989. 128 pages. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Mumford by A.P. Molella discusses these two well-known men and their methods over 4 pages. R&LHS Awards fill 7 pages. The Overland Route: First Impressions by UP RR author, Maury Klein, covers 19 pages, including 5 photos. Working for the Santa Fe: Memoirs of “Brownie the Boomer”, 1909-1911, by H.R. Grant is 27 pages excerpted from a 1929 book by Charles A. Brown. The Southern Pacific Builds a Bridge… The Saga of the Martinez-Benicia Bridge by J.W. Snyder contains 29 pages with a map, 2 drawings, 12 photos & footnotes. Locomotives of the Spokane International RR by W.D. Edson fills just 4 pages, but there is a lot of detail in this brief steam and diesel roster. Discussion is followed by a review of 16 books.
RLHS Cover162$7.50/$6.00Spring 1990. 160 pages. The cover is in horizontal format, the book is not. Railway Technology, the Canadian Northwest, and the Continental Economy by A.A. Otter fill 15 pages. Spunky Little Devils: Locomotives of the New York Elevated by J. H. White, Jr., covers these machines in detail over the next 60 pages. Included are 13 photos, 7 drawings, a map and 20 pages of loco rosters. Railway Stations in New Zealand: A Case of Architectural Lag by K.L. Bryant, Jr., devotes 29 pages, 17 photos and a foldout map to this subject. Replacement Technology: The Diesel as a Case Study by Maury Klein fills 12 pages. Notes and Queries, Discussion and 20 Book Reviews follow. A three page obituary for David P. Morgan is by E.W. King, Jr.
RLHS Cover163$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1990. 160 pages. The cover is in horizontal format, the book is not. Our Geriatric RR’s by DL&W former VP of operations, William G. White, is on 2 pages. R&LHS Awards are on 6 pages. Franz Anton Von Gerstner, Student of America’s Pioneering RR’s by F.C. Gamst fill 61 pages with biography and letters from this German civil engineer who traveled in the USA in the late 1830’s for the express purpose of studying transportation. To an Oasis Among the Cornfields by D.K. Hofsommer is 14 pages on the West Okoboji and Spirit Lakes in Dickinson County, Iowa. Earnest Elmo Calkins and Phoebe Snow by R.O. Davis fill 5 pages on why Phoebe was created in 1900 to promote the DL&W RR. Railroad Valuation Records by T.L. Moore is 10 pages on these ICC records placed into the National Archives.
RLHS Cover164$7.50/$6.00Spring 1991. 136 pages. A Southern RR at War: The North Carolina RR and the Confederacy by A.W. Trelease fill 37 pages with this work on a very strategically placed RR in the conflict. Pennsylvania RR's Motive Power Strategies, 1920-1950, by M. Bezilla is 11 pages and 7 photos as the Standard RR of the World vacillated between standardization in steam and then panic buying of diesels. Dissolution of the UP/SP merger by L.J. Mercer details this 1912 event over 11 pages. Study this and see if you agree with the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. Technological Innovation in Early Street Railways: The Johnson Rail is Retrospective by J.R. Alexander cover 22 pages with the rail that became the industry standard. Running a Loco in 1856: The Log of H.S. Haines by G.A. Kennedy is 9 pages on southeast railroading.
RLHS Cover165$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1991. 168 pages. The cover is in horizontal format, the book is not. “Vultures at the Death of the Elephant”: Harry S. Truman, the Great Train Robbery and the Transportation Act of 1940 by A.L. Hamby is 31 pages with why it all mattered. Steel Wheels on Paper: The RR in American Literature by Ian Marshall devotes 25 pages to the works of Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Dickinson, Whitman, Harte, Sandburg, etc. Richard Eaton, 1814-1878: Canadian Mechanical Engineer by Fritz Lehmann is a 20 page bio of this UK immigrant who became the Grand Trunk’s Loco Superintendent. Doing the Right Thing: The B&O Presidency of Daniel Willard by D.M. Vrooman fill 16 pages. Detroit to Chicago in 1888 is from a 42 page letter Frank Bowers of Detroit wrote to his sister in England.
RLHS Cover166$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1992. 176 pages. Safety First Comes to the Railroads, 1910-1939, by Mark Aldrich tells the story over 29 pages. A Point in Time on the Milwaukee Road: The Custer Creek Olympian Tragedy, June 19, 1938, by R.S. Podas details this disaster on 23 pages that killed 47 and injured 75 near Miles City, Mont. Ralph Budd, The Great Northern Railway, and the Advent of the Motor Bus by D.V. Shaw fill 23 pages. The Oklahoma Central Railway: A “Dutch” RR in the U.S. by A.J. Veenendaal, Jr.,is 23 pages about this little known line from Atoka to Chickasha, Okla. History Where You Don’t Expect it: Some Surprising Survivors by H.H. Harwood shows with 19 photos and tells over 23 pages some of the fun of being a RR archeologist. Memorials to Fred A. Stindt and Omer Lavallee.
RLHS Cover167$7.50/$6.00Autumn 1992. 192 pages. Railroad History: What’s the Object? by R.C. Post struggles to answer his question on 7 pages. Rogers Locomotives: A Brief History and Construction Lists by P. Moshein & R.R. Rothfus fill the next 137 pages and make this a single subject book. Thomas Rogers was born in Groton, Conn., in 1792, and moved to Paterson, N.J., where he formed a partnership in Sept. 1831, called Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor. After numerous name changes, the works built their final loco in Aug. 1913 as the Rogers Works of the American Locomotive Co. After 16 pages of history, the book moves on to listing locos built under the various name changes. The Rogers story contains 14 photos & 7 drawings. Steam vs. Diesel Locomotives by R. Aldag takes a fresh 9 page look at an old story.
RLHS Cover168$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1993. 116 pages. Virginia's First Railroad on Falling Creek, About 1810, by F.C. & M. Gamst is the 12 page story of the Falling Creek RR built to carry gunpowder, located a dozen miles south of Richmond. The Detroit & Pontiac RR by Paul Trap fills 34 pages with a detailed history of this Michigan line. Steel Rails & Ice: Alaska’s Copper River & Northwestern Railway by W. Alley is on 22 pages, including 11 photos, with the story of this RR that was completed on 29 March 1911, and built to haul $200,000,000 in copper for Kennecott Mines, from the south central section of Alaskan Territory to the coast. Which the CR&N did until 1938, with the rails being torn up for scrap during WW2. Research Note: Early Sleeping Cars in Canada by R. Greenhill fill 3 pages. Discussion and 27 Book Reviews are next.
RLHS Cover169$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1993. 128 pages. “A Bath, A Book, and an Entertainment”: The Santa Fe Railway and its Reading Rooms by C.R. & K.A. Graves covers rare subject over 29 pages, including a map and 12 photos. Experiencing the “Best of Everything”: Passenger Service on the Chicago & North Western Railway by H.R. Grant reflects the cover painting over 20 pages, with a dozen photos, from early days on the Overland Route to galley coaches in Chicagoland. Thatcher Perkins, Master of Machinery by J.H. White, Jr., has 15 pages on this tinkerer, 1812-1883, known for his improvements rather than patented inventions. The Chicago Chapter of the R&LHS and its First Railfan Excursion details this Oct.4, 1936, PRR expedition over 12 pages and includes 7 photos. 1993 R&LHS Awards & 25 Book Reviews follow.
RLHS Cover170$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1994. 144 pages. Back to the Future? High-Speed Rail and Historical Patterns of American Transportation by B.E. Seely discusses relates history to Maglev prospects. The Great (Motive) Power Struggle: The Pennsylvania RR v. General Motors, 1935-1949, by M. Reutter fill 19 pages. Boston’s South Terminal Station: An Electric Traction History by B.F. Coffey takes a 26 page look at the 1898 South Station and explains why the turning loops became a bowling alley. Driving and Feeding Iron Horses: Experiences on the New Haven RR, 1926-1939,by A.M. Bixby, Sr., fill 12 pages. Frank. P. Donovan, Jr., and “A Branch Line Odyssey is 23 pages about the author and the PRR’s Eastern Shore lines. A Monon Mystery: George F. Postlewaite and H.H. Campbell by G.W. Hilton is 6 pages on the shareholder’s coup of 1890.
RLHS Cover171$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1994. 160 pages. RRs in the American Context by J.A. Ward fill 18 pages with the author's perceived relationship between USA RRs and its people. Safe and Suitable Boilers: The RRs, the ICC, and Locomotive Safety, 1900—1945, by Mark Aldrich devotes 22 pages to this still relevant subject. Mark Freeman and the Destruction of Pennsylvania Station: An Artist in Love with His City by K.L. Bryant, Jr., is the 10 page story, with 12 photos, of the station and the photographer who recorded its demise. Thomas T. Taber, a Pioneer Railfan by his son, TTT III, is a 42 page biography with a dozen photos. A Wartime Triangle Trip by J.F. Humiston describes a 1942 IC and Monon RR trip from Chicago to Indianapolis and return on 10 pages. RR’s and Excavations at the Panama Canal by Sam Stueland fill 5 pages and has 2 photos.
RLHS Cover172$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1995. 120 pages. The Life of Edward Budd, Part 1: Pulleys, McKeen Cars, and the Origins of the Zephyr by Mark Reutter is the 30 pages on the man and the development of welded steel vehicles. Home by Rail, California to Illinois in 1937: Reminiscences of Graydon Heath, edited by H.R. Grant, is 8 pages on riding freight trains. Prairie Fire: Technology and the Law of the Dakoka Frontier by D.L. Hofsommer fill 8 pages with an 1898 lawsuit filed against the CM&StP Ry for fires caused by its locos. The Akron, Canton & Youngstown RR: Historical Overview and Loco Roster by H.R. Grant and W.D. Edson over 10 pages including 13 photos. Look Mom --- No Flanges! Blind Tires Were Once Commonplace by J.H. White, Jr., explains on 6 pages. Discovery at Duffields: Oldest Surviving U.S. Passenger Station? by H.H. Harwood, Jr.
RLHS Cover173$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1995. 200 pages. Railways in the Netherlands, 1830-1914, by A.J. Veenendaal, Jr., fill 53 pages, including 28 photos, on this most civilized of nations. The Life of Edward Budd, Part 2, Frustration and Acclaim by Mark Reutter continues the story on 44 pages that include a speech by Budd and 15 photos. Comments on the System and Shop Practices of the Baldwin Locomotive Works by John K. Brown and Samuel M. Vauclain are on 40 pages, with 18 illustrations, written in 1882, and never intended for publication. Brown wrote the book: The Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1831-1915, and Vauclain worked for the company for 57 years, eventually as its president. Women Telegraphers in the RR Depot by T.C. Jepsen pays proper homage to the perfect sex over 13 pages, including 4 photos.
RLHS CoverPHOTOSNARAILROAD HISTORY IN PHOTOGRAPHS, 150 Years of North American Railroading. This book, slightly larger than the new sized RRH, contains 92 B&W photographs and 82 pages, including a bibliography and an index. Published in 1996 to celebrate the R&LHS's 75th anniversary and the 150th of the first locomotive pictured, which is "The Lion" built in 1846. Equal space for carefully written text and well-reproduced photographs is this book's major accomplishment in an attempt to cover so much territory and time. Chapters are: Steam Locomotives; Diesel Locomotives; Electric and Other Motive Power; Passenger Cars & Trains; Freight Cars & Trains; Structures.
RLHS Cover174$7.50/$6.00Spring 1996. 128 pages. Ore Docks and Trains: The Great Northern Railway and the Mesabi Range by D.L. Hofsommer contains 21 pages and 13 photos. Country Carrier of the Poconos: The Delaware Valley Railroad by J.N.J. Henwood fills 25 pages, including 10 photos, with the detailed story of this little line that wandered from East Stroudsburg to Bushkill, Pa. Lebanon-Thorntown Traction Co.: The Biography of an Anomaly in "Interurbanland" by G. Krambles is 17 pages, with a map & 9 photos, on this electric line of less than 10 miles located northwest of Indianapolis, Ind. Railroad Redundant: The Fort Smith & Western Railway by K.L. Bryant is 26 pages, including a map, 17 photos and a loco roster, on this 200+ mile line that ran west from Fort Smith, Ark., to Guthrie, Okla. There are 22 Book Reviews in this edition.
RLHS Cover175$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1996. 168 pages. Ambiguous Giant: H. W. Pontin and His Rail Photo Service by W.P. Ellis & H.H. Harwood, Jr., is the 35 page story, including 20 photos, concerning this famous Boston & Albany engineman who many believed to be a scam artist. Dr. Borst's X-12: the Atomic Locomotive by T. Waite covers 19 pages with text, drawings, tables, etc. High-Speed Motor Trains of the German National Railways by A.C. Mierzejewski is on 12 pages. Renaissance Man: An Interview with George Krambles by R.C. Post covers 23 pages, including 10 photos. Reminiscences of a Half-Century on the Morristown & Erie RR by T.T. Taber III fills 14 pages. A Brief History of the New York, Ontario & Western RR by R.B. Shaw is on 13 pages, followed by a NYO&W loco roster by W.D. Edson on 13 more, with 23 NYO&W photos overall.
RLHS Cover176$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1997. 144 pages. Andre’ Chapelon and French Locomotives in the Twentieth Century by E.G. Weinstein covers 33 pages with text, 10 photos, 3 maps, a spec table & notes. The Technological Revolution at Grand Central Terminal in NYC by K.C. Schlichting refers to GCT’s creation on 9 pages. Testing a New York Central Mohawk by P.P. Sloss takes you along over 7 pages, including 3 photos and 2 drawings. Chicago Great Western Railroad and the John A. Cole Milling Co.: Stickney’s Railway Problem by T.L. Baker on 25 pages shows the importance of getting to details. The Great Northern Railway and Dryland Farming in Montana by Claire Strom on 22 pages show how the GN helped itself by helping farmers. Are RR Museums Forgetting the Basics? by H.H. Harwood, Jr., is on 5 pages as are the 1996 R&LHS Awards.
RLHS Cover177$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1997. 152 pages. Energy Conservation on Steam Railroads: Institutions, Markets, Technology, 1889-1943, by Mark Aldrich addresses this critical subject over 37 pages. The Fish Car Era in Nebraska by Darin Kinsey tells the story on 25 pages, including 5 photos. John Edgar Thomson and the Cult of Personality on the Pennsylvania RR by J.A. Ward fills 10 pages on the man who lived 1808-1874 and managed the world’s largest enterprise. Robert E. Woodruff: Railway Statesman by H.R. Grant tells on 8 pages of this former Erie RR President who lived 1884-1957. Locomotives of the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac by J.L. Larson is a 31 page work ranging from 1832 to 1985. Boston & Albany Locomotives in 1912 by F.D. Donovan fills 9 pages with the renumberings and includes 8 photos.
RLHS Cover178$7.50/$6.00.Spring 1998. 176 pages. The Story of America's Chapel Cars by Wilma & Norman Taylor devotes 71 pages, including 12 photos, to this obscure subject serving Baptists, Episcopalians & Catholics. Railroading on the Pioneer Route of the Milwaukee Road: The Dan Paine Story by R.S. Podas concerns an errant engineman on the Iowa and Minnesota Division who hired out in 1884. 31 pages and 11 photos have the fascinating details. A Wild Ride on Badnall’s Famous Undulating Railway by J.C. Meredith is 13 pages about bazaar 1833 railway ideas in England. The Montreal Secondary: Origins and History by A.L. Johnson is 10 pages about the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg RR and its predecessors and successors in western New York State. A NYC RR map and 5 photos are included. There are 25 Book Reviews.
RLHS Cover179$7.59/$6.00.Autumn 1998. 192 pages. Pullmans, Stations, Steam: The Railroad as an Aesthetic Object by Bill Keirce fills 24 pages with 10 illustrations and poetry and the author's reasoning on why we like RRs. Images of the Pacific Electric: Why Memories Matter by R.C. Post has 39 pages, including 26 photos. A Comparative Case of Immigrant Labor on the Milwaukee Road by Mark McGarvie is a 19 pages on the importation of Japanese laborers, 1908-1931,and Mexicans during WW2. Engineering Dreams into Disaster: History of the Tay Bridge by M.K. Pinsdorf covers this sad tale over 28 pages. Ludwig Homberger: An Extraordinary Man by A.C. Mierzejewski is 18 pages on German railroading in the first half of the 20th century. Two Ancient Trackbeds Reappear in Baltimore by H.H. Harwood, Jr., is on 14 pages with 11 photos.
RLHS Cover180$7.50/$6.00Spring 1999. 176 pages. Railroads Shipped by Sea by W.W. Huffman is the 25 page story of how the earliest RRs of California received their supplies from the East Coast by ship, in journeys that took 4-6 months. Engineering Success and Disaster: American Railroad Bridges, 1840-1900, by M. Aldrich is a 40-page study of bridges that collapsed, and those that didn’t. 15 illustrations are included. The South Works Narrow Gauge RR by J.F. Humiston is the 54 page story of this 3-foot gauge RR at the 574 acre steel making plant in S. Chicago, with 20 illustrations, 13 tables, rosters of 2,080 cars & 132 locos, 1882-1992. The North Western’s Legacy by H.R. Grant is 9 pages on what the C&NW left for the world, both positive and not. Locos of the Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia Ry by J.L Larson fill 6 pages with a history and roster.
RLHS Cover181$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 1999. 168 pages. Progress and Slavery on the South's Railroads by S.G. Collins is 20 pages with such details as the number of whip lashes slaves could receive on the Memphis & Ohio RR. A Ride on the Lionel and Other Short Lines by G.E. Hoffer is the Lionel story on 33 pages, with 14 illustrations, telling how these toys shaped the lives of boys and adults. A Bunch of Dummies by J.H. White, Jr., is 18 pages, with 12 illustrations, concerning steam locomotives in disguise to avoid frightening horses, dogs, people, etc. RR’s & Catenary: Risk and the Real Cost of Electrification by W.W. Withuhn fill 3 pages and then: Why the Santa Fe Isn’t Under Wires by W.W. Abbey is on 12 more. Liquidating the Rock by R.J. Lane tells his story after 28 years on the Rock Island RR, and M.W. Blaszak writes a positive 3-page afterword.
RLHS Cover181A SPL$7.50/$6.00.April 2000. 160 pages. Extra single subject issue: The Diesel Revolution Railroad History Millennium Special features 13 articles by well known authors: The Continued Neglect (by scholars) of the Diesel Loco by M. Klein; The Revolutionary by M. Reutter; Business Strategies & Diesel Development by A.J. Churella; Building a Better Iron Horse by M. Reutter; Industrial Design Speeds Forward by J.L. Meikle; Symbol of Progress by J. Gruber; Railroads & the War by W.W. Abbey; Culture Clash: Diesels vs. Tradition by R. Aldag; Getting to Know Her by D.L. Hofsommer; Covered Wagons & Geeps by J.P. Lamb; Learning from America? by C. Divall; Diesel Railcar: A look Ahead by W.D. Middleton; Afterword: The Enduring Diesel by J.L. Larson. Worth Reading is The Diesel Locomotive with articles, books and dissertations listed.
RLHS Cover182$7.50/$6.00Spring 2000. 144 pages. A Horatio Alger Story: Henry U. Mudge by K. L. Bryant, Jr., is the 16-page story of the man appointed President of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry in 1909. Design-It-Yourself Locomotive by R.A. LeMassena is 36 pages, with 18 photos, devoted to the 63 models of the 4-8-4, with the whys and wherefores. The Railroad Pass: Perk or Plunder? by J.H. White, Jr., spends 14 pages and 11 illustrations explaining the pass problem of the late 19th century. "GNMZ" -- Good Night, Madison by J.L. Larson has 12 pages with 6 photos telling about his start as a Milwaukee Road tower operator in Madison, Wis., in 1949. Vanishing Triangles is 4 pages by J. Swanberg about the New Haven RR’s 1905-07 catenary. Steam Singletons by G.H. Drury is 6 pages on steam locos that turned out to be unique.
RLHS Cover183$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 2000. 160 pages. Race to Chicago by G.M. Meints documents on 24 pages the competition to lay rails from Lake Erie to Lake Michigan across Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, in the late 1840's and early 1850's. Century Gone by T.T. Taber and Mark Reutter on 23 pages is a wrap-up of railroading in North America in the troubled twentieth century. Putting it Together is photography by Ben Halpern showing 14 photos on 10 pages of rails at work on the Illinois Central at Champaign, Illinois, between 1986 and 1988. Semaphores Blades by Night by J.B. Caballero explains the difficulty in developing semaphores that could reliably be read in the dark and storm in this definitive 20 page study. Sahara’s Lost RR’s by S. Maggi and R. Gras takes a 12 page look at lines in North Africa proposed, built and abandoned.
RLHS Cover184$7.50/$6.00.Spring 2001. 160 pages. Foreigners by Jeff Schramm explains those Krauss-Maffei diesel-hydraulics delivered to the Southern Pacific in 1961 in great detail over 12 pages. A History of Wrecks fills pages 20-77 containing contributions from 6 writers: RR Accidents & Psgr Safety by R.B. Shaw; Blown Away by R.S. Podas on a NYC Hudson mysterious boiler explosion; Slowness Kills by J.H. White, Jr., on an accident in Lockland, Ohio; Eyewitness by K.A. Roider on the Gasconade Bridge Disaster; Wreck Chasers by H.R. Grant; Learning from Wrecks by M. Reutter. Tuscan Empire features 15 1891 photos over 18 pages by W.H. Rau as commissioned by the PRR. Biggest of the Big by R.A. Le Massena concerns the Virginian Ry’s 4 Triplex locomotives over 8 pages, including 7 photos. Buffalo Central Terminal is on 6 pages.
RLHS Cover185$7.50/$6.00.Autumn 2001. 160 pages. The Demise of the ICC by G.W. Hilton on 8 pages begins with the writer's statement that both the birth and death of the Interstate Commerce Commission should be considered of first importance. Reflections on Deregulation by J.W. McClellan continues the ICC death theme on 4 pages. Abandoned Corridors by J.P. Schwieterman takes a 26 page look as USA rail route miles shrunk from about 250,000 in 1916 to about 130,000 today. Ghosts are 13 color images of 10 departed RR’s. Boomer Tales by T.M. Jacklin is 20 pages about Railroad Magazine, its editor Freeman Hubbard, and fact and fiction. Wheeling & Lake Erie by James L. Larson is 32 pages on this 1870’s line that includes an all-time loco roster. Bravery at the WTC is Special Report by M. Reutter about PATH and 11 September 2001.
RLHS Cover186$7.50/$6.00.Spring 2002. 160 pages. Rails Across The Hudson, Getting Across the Barrier, Then and Now, by W.D. Middleton, devotes 41 pages to this complex subject. On the Waterfront, New York Harbor Railroading in the 1950's & 1960's by H.H. Harwood, Jr., looks at the floating alternatives for crossing the Hudson in 13 photos spread over a 12 pages. Hitler’s Locomotives by A.C. Mierzejewski tells on 11 pages how much importance the Third Reich credited to reliable rail transport. German Railroaders & the Holocaust by the same author then tells who knew how much, when, about what was transported to where. Strategic Shortline by J.R. Fair features the Columbia, Newberry & Laurens RR on 20 pages. Pioneer & the Lincoln Funeral Train by C. Long explores a Corporate Tell Tale on 13 pages with 14 illustrations.
RLHS Cover187$7.50/$6.00.Fall-Winter 2002. 160 pages. Railroaders: Lives and Stories are six articles by well known authors that fill 65 pages of this book: Everyday Life of the Train Captain by J.H. White, Jr., on 26 pages; Conductoring Today on Metro-North by J.W. Swanberg on 4 pages; Seniority and Enginemen by Bill Wilkerson on the Milwaukee Road, 1907-1982, on 6 pages; Railroad Women by Linda Niemann on 10 pages; The Bachelors & the Brass Hat by H.H. Harwood concerns the Van Sweringens on 14 pages; What it Takes, Portraits of Three Successful Managers, by D.L. Hofsommer on 4 pages. Hitler’s Locomotivess, by A.C. Mierzejewski is Part 2: The Blitz that covers 16 pages, including 11 photos. The Amiable New York & Greenwood Lake by G.H. Douglas is on 13 pages, including 14 photos. An Archie Robinson Elegy by Tony Reevy is on 6 pages.
RLHS Cover188$7.50/$6.00.Spring-Summer 2003. 160 pages. Too Big to Fail? by R.F. Holzweiss covers 16 pages, including 12 photos, with how politics and overbearing regulation set the stage for Penn Central's collapse. Forgetting St. Louis and Other Map Mischief by G.P. Ames takes a 14 page look at ridiculous public maps that RR’s would publish. A Passion for Trains by T.M. Jacklin, on 18 pages, is part 1 of the life and times of the legendary editor of Trains Magazine, David P. Morgan. Overwhelmed with Good Fortune by Graydon Meints tells of the GT’s Sir Henry Tyler vs. the NYC’s Vanderbilts as each tries to be first into Chicago as told over 12 pages complete with 11 illustrations. Why Steam Stalled by J.P. Lamb is on 12 pages. Mystery Trains of the Persian Gulf by R.W. Richardson is a WW2 story on 14 pages. New Steam by Andrew Dow is the 10-page A1 tale.
RLHS Cover189$7.50/$6.00.Fall-Winter 2003. 160 pages. Oh, To Be a Locomotive Engineer by John H. White, Jr., is Part 1: Once It Was Every Boy's Ambition that covers 22 pages and including many illustrations. Railroads and Slavery by Theodore Kornweibel, Jr., fills 26 pages that include charts, statistics and 9 illustrations. A Passion for Trains by T.M. Jacklin is the David P. Morgan story: Part 2, which runs to 26 pages and includes 17 illustrations. Defeating Division 699 by P.E. McCray is a 12 page look at WW1 era labor relations on the Washington & Old Dominion. Santa Fe Poster Genius by M.E. Zega is 6 pages concerning Louis Treviso and identifying a lost California Zephyr poster. Loss at Kinzua by Dan Cupper fills us in on 8 pages, containing 9 illustrations, with the details of the tornado that destroyed this landmark railroad structure on 21 July 2003.
RLHS Cover190$7.50/$6.00.Spring-Summer 2004. 160 pages. The Curve by Dan Cupper follows the cover photograph on 14 pages, containing 17 illustrations, with the story of the most famous half-mile of active main line in North America: Pennsylvania’s Horseshoe Curve. Cuba and Railroads: Part 1: Main Lines and the Making of a Nation by L.V. Dominguez and M. D. Ceballos cover this installment over 30 colorful pages with 36 illustrations. Oh, To Be a Locomotive Engineer, Part 2, by J.H. White, Jr., continues his look at the train driving profession in North America on 22 pages with 24 illustrations. O. Winston Link by Tony Reevy takes us from a railfan curiosity to an art-world sensation on 22 pages with 15 illustrations. Requiem for a Runaway by Drake Hokanson tells of looking at 11,000 feet for remains of a D&SL 1913 Alco Mallet that disappeared off Rollins Pass in 1924.
RLHS Cover191$7.50/$6.00.Fall-Winter 2004. 160 pages. The Inside Story of the Dome by Ric Morgan tells how the dome car came to be on 14 pages that include 15 photos. Cuba and RR’s, Part 2: Cuban Ore for American Rails by M. Reutter fills some 18 pages with how the ore was dug, transported and made into rails used by the Pennsylvania Railroad and others. Continuing on 16 more pages is P.A. Copeland with: Mainline Diesels and Electrics, Before and After Castro, with detailed rosters. Fifty Years Too Soon by M. Hiner is the 20-page story of Ohio's coal-hauling interurban, the Youngstown & Southern Ry Co. Railroad Soldiers is 32 pages with four articles: War and RR’s, 1861-1945; From Normandy to the Rhine; The Claiborne-Polk RR; The Bridge That Never Was , the River Kwai story.
RLHS Cover192NASpring-Summer 2005 (first larger edition). 120 pages. Railroad RX by H.R. Grant is 11 pages on how the Wabash Railway offered hospital care to its employees. Dark Genius by J. Mortimer is 10 pages on Zerah Colburn who greatly advanced 19th-century technical writing about locos & RR’s, but had severe mental issues. Baltimore’s Belt by J.L. Lee fills 22 pages on the 1895 line that proved the practicality of heavy electric traction. First Class for Fish by W.D. Middleton is 8 pages about private cars for fish. Picturing the Railway, Part 1, by A.M. Levitt is 8 pages on how the image of early RR's was spread before photography. Salvaging History by C.T. Baer explains how Pennsylvania RR records were saved over 12 pages.
RLHS Cover193$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2005. 120 pages. Crescent City Bound by M. Reutter & J. P. Lamb explains over 21 pages the why and how New Orleans became a major transportation hub despite its terrible location. Mixed Legacy by T. Reevy & M. Reutter covers 12 pages with the man who made rail fanning respectable: Lucius Beebe. From Russia with Love by W.D. Middleton is 8 pages on why those Soviet & Chinese 2-10-2’s look so familiar. Steam in Indian Summer by A.H. Dreyer is on 10 pages with the last of world mainline steam in China. Fighting Cars with Buses by D.V. Shaw & M. Reutter is 16 pages on how SP&S tried to lure psgrs back to trains with buses in Oregon. Picturing the Railway-2, by D.L. Rousar & J.J. Pryor fills 8 pages.
RLHS Cover194$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2006. 120 pages. Railroading through Receivership by H.R. Grant is the Georgia & Florida RR story on 18 pages. Famous Long Ago by J.H. White details on 15 pages the lives of Ed Hungerford, Alvin Harlow, M. Kirkman, etc. ALCO’s Pioneer High Hoods by Dan Cupper fills 7 pages with 11 photos and the buyers. Big Shoulders is a WW2 era Jack Delano photo story, with text by the editor, showing 15 color photos over 13 pages. Battle Over Coal by M. Bezilla is the 10-page Bellefonte Central RR story as Penn State upsets the PRR. Railroaders in the Great War by R. Goldfeder is 14 pages on how slim-gauge RR’s supplied the Western Front. Wild West Baldwins by Jan-Erik Wiik tells of steam in Finland.
RLHS Cover195$15.00/$7.50.Fall-Winter 2006. 120 pages. Canada’s Silver Age by F. Matthews on 12 pages is the first of four articles concerning Canadian RR’s. Equipping the Fleets by K.J. Holland fills 10 pages with the rolling stock on CNR, CPR and VIA RAIL. In a Land of Few Roads is a 6-page story by William D. Middleton on VIA’s Hudson Bay train that will stop anywhere. Border Jumpers by G.H. Drury covers all the trains that crossed the U.S.-Canadian border in 1951. Singing Brakeman by Tony Reevy is the 8-page story of Jimmie Rodgers. A Stroll Through Mount Clare Shops in 1872 by J.H. White, Jr., is on 18 pages. Jack Swanberg reports from Pakistan. RRers in Bronze & stone by W.D. Middleton & M.Reutter fill 10 pages.
RLHS Cover196$15.00/$7.50.Spring-Summer 2007. 128 pages. Submerged Ambitions by F.W. Ash on 16 pages on the failure of Cairo, Illinois, to become a great RR center. Fast Trains & Faster by W.D. Middleton & M. Reutter is a 20-page attempt to sum up the quest for speedier psgr trains in the USA in the past 125 years. Speed Over a Century by M. Reutter on 5 pages compares how Amtrak stacks up to rapid traveling in the past. Fact or Fable by T. Meehan looks at the run of No.999 in 1893. Giants & Dwarfs by J.L. Ehernberger is 8 pages on R.H. Kindig. Lumbering Mikes by R.A. Piltz is 14 pages on the McCloud River RR’s 90-ton Baldwins. The Great American Ry of Asia by W.D. Middleton is 19 pages on the South Manchuria Ry.
RLHS Cover197$15.00/$12.00
Fall-Winter 2007. 128 pages. Single subject issue. A Short History of American Locomotive Builders in the Steam Era by John H. White, Jr., covers 88 pages, profusely illustrated with drawings and photographs, with many in color. Chapters are: Introduction; The American Locomotive Industry; A History of the Individual Firms; Men Behind the Machines. The Whyte System of steam loco classification by Dan Cupper fills 3 pages followed by his American Locomotive Builders on 3 more. Daily News in the steam era is on 2 pages. A 12-page Survivors' Gallery, with most photos in color, is followed by an Index to this book and R&LHS Railroad History 2007 Awards.
RLHS Cover198$15.00/$7.50.Spring-Summer 2008. 120 pages. Railroad Corporate Cultures by H.R. Grant compares early 1960's E-L management with that of the B&O on 8 pages. Beyer-Garratts Forever? by J.W. Swanberg tells of his 1988 Zimbabwe trip over 12 pages, including 20 photos. RR China & the Dining Car by R.W. Luckin is an informal survey on 14 well-illustrated pages. Midwest Metamorphosis by J.P. Schwieterman features the decline, fall, and rare revival, of passenger trains in the Midwest over 17 pages with 37 illustrations. British Iron on Early American RR’s by J.C. Burke discusses imports up to the U.S. Civil War era on 6 pages. Artist of the Rail: Phil Hastings by T. Reevy features a bio & 10 of PHR’s photos spread over 13 pages.
RLHS Cover199$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2008. 128 pages. Electrification over the Sierra Nevada by W.D. Middleton examines the what if & why not over 8 pages. Upholding the Standard by W.F. Howes, Jr., is the 14 page tale of how the B&O kept its highly-rated dining car service top notch until the end. Art in the Age of Steam by Ian Kennedy features a 2008 exhibition in Kansas City, Mo., over 12 pages. Fighting a Blizzard with the Wireless by T. Meehan tells on 6 pages how the Lackawanna used technology to keep trains running in 1914. The Curious Disappearance of America’s First Loco by R.B. Thayer delves into an 1829 mystery in Honesdale, Pa., over 24 pages. William Jennings Bryan and the 1896 Campaign by J.G. Mora is on 9 pages.
RLHS Cover200$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2009. 112 pages. The Winding Path to No.200 by J.P. Lamb is a summation of R&LHS history over 25 pages, with inserts by 6 well-known authors. A Chronology of R&LHS and the Bulletin/Railroad History by D. Cupper on 7 pages selects important milestones and includes membership numbers. Reaching 200 by W.D. Middleton refers to train speeds, not years, and fills 12 well-illustrated pages. Lincoln for the Defense by D.A. Pfeiffer is 8 pages on the C&RI RR Rock Island Bridge over the Mississippi struck by a steamboat in 1856. Amtrak’s F40PH by K.J. Holland tells how this Eng saved Amtrak on 10 pages. Roll Call of 200’s by D. Cupper fills 19 pages with all the locomotives he could find with the No.200.
RLHS Cover201$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2009. 112 pages. Poughkeepsie Bridge on 2 pages by J.W. Swanberg. "Not at all proper for women”: Black Female Railroaders by T. Kornweidel, Jr., fills 24 pages, including 10 photos. Artist of the Rail: Jack Delano by T. Reevy has 30 photos over 12 pages. Hunting Buffalo from the Train by J.H. White, Jr., tells how it was done on Kansas Pacific Ry on 8 pages .A Golden Anniversary by C.W. Haulk covers 14 pages as the Colorado RR Museum turns 50. The travels of the 4-2-0 Locomotive William Penn by K.K. Wyatt traces the wandering of this 1835 Eng on 7 pages. The truth behind the Pride of Newcastle by R. State is the 15-page sequel from RRH No.199 on the Eng that steamed in Honesdale, Pa., in 1829.
RLHS Cover202$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2010. 112 pages. As Delicate as Air by T.H. Garver on 8 pages covers the creation and preservation of O. Winston Link’s recordings of the last years of steam power on the N& W Ry. Production and Promotion, U.S. Loco Builders in WW2, by Preston Cook fills 18 pages with 29 ads. The Iowa & Southwestern Ry: A Financial Disaster by H.R. Grant covers 16 pages with this sad story. George Dunn’s Dream: Building the Lawrenceburg & Upper Mississippi RR by J.H. White, Jr., details on 12 pages the beginnings of what became the NYC RR’s line from Cincinnati to Indianapolis. Railways Along the Nile, 1851-1879, by O.M. Ettouney is on 10 pages. Dissecting the Steam Loco Indicator Card by J. P. Lamb fills 7 pages.
RLHS Cover203$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2010. 112 pages. Robert W. Downing by D. Hofsommer devotes 9 pages to the creator of the BN Ry and Powder River miracle. Toronto’s Victorian Stations, 1853-1900, by D. Boles fills 26 pages, including 31 illustrations. Three Amtrak Stations Take Different Roads to Rehabilitation by J. Dilts covers New London, Conn.; Wilmington, Del.; King St. Seattle on 5 pages. William Robinson, RR Signal Innovator by D. Morrison fills 5 pages. The Telephone Train Order Signal System by W.J. Doyle fills 9 pages. Changing of the Guard by J. Roma notes the end of the “Armstrong”tower era on 5 pages. Riding to the Rooftop of the World by A.H. Dreyer takes you 3 miles high on the Qinghai-Tibet Ry on 11 pages.
RLHS Cover204$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2011. 112 pages. On the Shoulders of a Giant, A Profile of John J. White, Jr., by K.R. Bell fills 16 pages with 31 illustrations. The Smithsonian’s Warshaw Collection by W.O. Craig is on 4 pages. Photographic Gold North of the Border by J.D. Dilts is the 8-page story of two depositories of rare photos found in Canada. The Bosporus Crossing by W.D. Middleton refers to rail terminals in Istanbul on 6 pages. Men at Work, Lewis Hine’s Photos of RR Workers by T. Reevy features 10 photos. On the Spur to the Dome, how a mile-long Ry helped build Nebraska’s Tower on 12 pages by R. Davies & R.E. Gallamore. Medical RRing During the Korean War, 1950-53, by Dr. E.A. Sibul details hospital trains on 17 pages.
RLHS Cover205$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2011. 112 pages. Tragedy and Recovery: This year's earthquake and tsunami put Japanese engineering to the test by J.W. Higgins, III, fills 8 pages with the event that may have killed 20,000. Car Repair Billing in the Information Age by V.G. Robinson describes the PRR methods of dealing with a complex subject on 16 pages. When German Prisoners of War Rode the Pennsy by R.D. Thorne tells this WW2 story over 20 pages including 13 photos. C&NW's Origins in Michigan's Upper Peninsula by L.R. Barnett covers 20 pages with construction and land grant history. The Reminiscences of Horace J. Fee, Two Decades a Wabash Engineman, edited by T. Kornweibel covers the years 1903-21 on 13 pages.
RLHS Cover206$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2012. 128 pages. The Inspection Locomotives by R. Goldfeder fills 40 pages with the definitive story of these critters that served from the U.S. Civil War era into the 1930’s. The railroading history of Shelburne, Mass., by A.H. Dreyer covers 16 pages with why Shelburne is the current R&LHS world headquarters, and then digs deeply into the local history involving the Hoosac Tunnel and Herman Haupt. The Des Moines & Red Oak RR by H.R. Grant features this stillborn Iowa interurban on 12 pages. Zephyr Memories is a 15 page interview by R.W. Luckin with D&RGW’s Leonard Bernstein, regarding his services on the California Zephyr and later being in charge of the Rio Grande Zephyr.
RLHS Cover207$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2012. 128 pages. PRR: Battle for the Presidency by A.J. Churella is 16 pages on the boardroom conflict between men who wished to serve Philadelphia and those who believed the PRR should serve the state and nation. Chateau Laurier, A celebrated Canadian railway hotel marks its centennial, by K. J. Holland is the story of the converging need of Canada's capital city, Ottawa, and the Grand Trunk Railway to build a monumental railway hotel. Rails to America’s Gibraltar, Naval & Military Policy & Politics and the FEC’s Key West Extension, by Dr. E.A. Sibul, is a 24 page strategic assessment. A Macro-Scale Look at RR History by J. Parker Lamb fills 12 pages with facts & figures & photos.
RLHS Cover208$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2013. 128 pages. Still Controversial: The Pacific RR at 150, by Peter A. Hansen, explains this subject in a panel format on 28 pages. Andrew J. Russell, Photography as a historical resource and tool for business development, by John Gruber fills 10 pages. Railroads, Herman Haupt, and the Battle of Gettyburg, by Steven R. Ditmeyer is on 6 pages. Working Magic with Cornstalks & Beanpoles, Records Relating to the U.S. Military RR during the Civil War, by David A. Pfeiffer fills 12 pages. The Pennsylvania RR in the Trans-Mississippi West, by Albert J. Churella is on 19 pages. The First Train Out of Chicago by Jack Harpster details the Galena & Chicago Union Rail Road on 11 pages.
RLHS Cover209$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2013. 128 pages. What to do with the New Haven RR?, by Geoffrey H. Doughty, is this edition’s front cover article over 16 pages. Here is what was done, why and when. Nacionales de Mexico, Southeastern Division, by Frank Barry fills 22 pages with 21 steam loco photographs and 2 maps. Locomotive 93: Six Times Lucky by Mark A. Bassett is show and tell over 6 pages of how a Nevada Northern 2-8-0 survived. Original and Undisturbed by William J. Doyle on 20 pages shows how the New York & Erie Railroad met construction challenges in the 1840's. Evolution of the American Railroad Watch, by Thomas L. De Fazio is the definitive 26 page work on this life or death railroad tool.
RLHS Cover210NASpring-Summer 2014. 128 pages. Grande(e) Goose Hatching, On the Rio Grande Southern in 1931, by S. Rhine fills 14 well-illustrated pages. Mr. Harriman’s Common Standard 2-8-0 Locos by J.A. Strapac begins with a superb photo of a 1906 Baldwin specimen and concludes 18 pages later. Upscale, Down East: The Bar Harbor Express by T. Waite covers 23 pages, featuring 20 illustrations, with this famous train to Maine. Edwin Hawley: “The Little Harriman” by D.L. Hofsommer covers 16 pages. William Henry Jackson and the Detroit Publishing Co., 1897-1903, by J. Gruber fills 8 pages. The B&O RR’s Deer Park & Oakland Hotels by J.H. White, Jr., tells of these in far western Maryland over 7 pages.
RLHS Cover211$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2014. 128 pages. “True to Taunton, …” by J.W. Swanberg takes a 6 page look at Fisher’s home town. The Policy Dilemma of Competition and Consolidation by R.E. Gallamore is on 18 pages. Dining with Distinction, A survey of trains that featured their own china, by R.W. Luckin covers 15 pages with 45 illustrations. EMD’s 25th Anniversary Party by Preston Cook is the Oct. 1947 gala event on 12 pages with 49 illustrations. Delano Travels West, … along the Santa Fe Ry in WW2, by John Gruber has 23 pages with 21 photos. History & Memory at Duffy’s Cut by W.E. Watson examines 1830’s RR building practices, labor relations, the Irish, cholera on 12 pages. George W. Hilton memorial.
RLHS Cover212$15.00/$12.00
Spring-Summer 2015. 128 pages. The U.S. Military RR’s Alexandria Repair Shops J.H. White, Jr., has 18 pages and 6 photos of this front line location during the U.S. Civil War. The Last Train Ride: Return of the WW2 Dead by J.I. Murrie & N.J. Petersen detail on 20 pages how military corpses were handled during WW2. Off to War: Gordon Parks' WW2 photos of Washington Union Station by Tony Reevy has 13 photos on 10 pages. Demise Postponed: Iowa’s Electric Interurban RY’s and WW2 by Don L. Hofsommer fills 18 pages including 19 photos. The Milwaukee Electrification by A. T. Michalski details the why, how, when, where and how much over 30 pages including 25 photos.
RLHS Cover213$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2015. 128 pages. Meeting an Emergency, The Pennsylvania RR & the Broad St Fires of 1923 & 1943 by Eric A. Sibul fills 22 pages showing the power of the PRR. From Golden Spike to Silver Screen, The Improbable Story of a Central Pacific RR Business Car by P.A. Hansen is 22 pages on an 1860’s car that still exists. Chicago, Colorful, Creative Posters and a 1920’s Multimedia Campaign by J. Gruber and J.J. Sedelmaier is on 16 pages. Selling the Diesel by Preston Cook tells how EMD, GE and others did it over 18 pages. Ponce De Leon by R.W. Luckin is 8 pages on the 1888 St. Augustine, Fla., hotel that is still in use today. The North Missouri: A St. Louis RR by H.R. Grant is on 12 pages.
RLHS Cover214$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2016. 128 pages. Ralph Rotten and the Chicago Great Western: How to merge a regional carrier into a larger railroad by James L. Larson fills 12 fascinating pages. Gabriel Kolko’s RR’s and Regulations by William D. Burt covers 35 pages with changes since Kolko’s book was published 50 years ago. The Railways of South America’s Largest City features 23 pages on Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1974, by Parker Lamb & Thomas Corres. The Great Southern RR Convention, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1836, by H. Roger Grant is on 14 pages. Who Was the Real Philip Duffy? is an 8 page follow up by Francis Watson to the Chester County, Pa., story that was in Railroad History No.211.
RLHS Cover215$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2016. 128 pages. CNJ Honors Fallen Servicemen with Diesel Dedications on 6 pages by J. Rosenbaum & Tom Gallo. The End of the Line: The Abandonment of Psgr Services in Santa Cruz County, Calif., by D.R. Whaley fills 22 pages. American RR’s & Sponsored Films, A Wide-Angle View, 1940-1955, by N. Pope is on 24 pages. Toward a Bright & Shiny Future, RR Public Relations in an Era of Transition, by Ian Gray fills 27 pages. Hubris & the Cowcatcher by J.H. White, Jr., is 6 pages about Lorenzo Davies’ claim that he invented the cowcatcher. Hard-Working, Dedicated Section Crews by John Gruber is 5 pages about a D&RGW NG talented worker, Selso D. Lopez, of Antonito, Colo.
RLHS Cover216$15.00/$12.00
Spring-Summer 2017. 128 pages. “Now What? And Who Is Going to Pay For This?” by Nick Fry & Ron Goldfeder is the 32 page definitive report on the 1953 runaway PRR Federal Express, whose GG1 locomotive fell through the floor of Washington Union Station. Tragedy on the Hogback, Unraveling the Story of a 1919 Boiler Explosion on the Bessemer & Lake Erie RR, by James McCommons covers 18 pages. Railroad Violence during the Mexican Revolution & the Struggle for Workers’ Control, 1910-1921, by Jeffrey Bortz & Marcos Aguila fills 20 pages. At 90, Crowell Looks Back With Pride on his Photographs by John Gruber has 20 pages of photos and captions by Gordon S. Crowell.
RLHS Cover217$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2017. 128 pages. The Prince Plan, A largely forgotten proposal for railroad consolidation, by H. Roger Grant fills 16 pages. Penn Central Reconsidered, Reflections on the infamous 1968 merger, by Robert Holzweiss is on 22 pages. The Bad Old Days, Working for Penn Central wasn’t easy, by J.W. Swanberg covers 20 colorful pages. Altoona and the Penn Central Image, Dark paint and red ink, by Dan Cupper is on 10 pages. The Railroad Safety Appliance Acts, The impact of federal regulation on the Denver & Rio Grande Narrow Gauge, by Stan Rhine is 18 pages on the problems with brakes, couplers, air hoses, brake wheels, etc. Memorials for William L. Withuhn, John Willever & Karl Schlachter.
RLHS Cover218$15.00/$12.00
Spring-Summer 2018. 128 pages. Inside EMD, Part 1: How the “Home of the Diesel Locomotive” fabricated its prime movers by Preston Cook fills 26 pages with 44 photos. Ford’s RR at The Rouge: … once one of the world’s biggest industrial RR’s by David R.P. Guay has 60 illustrations in this 38 page work. The Daniel Nason by Ron Goldfeder brings us up to date on the only remaining inside-connected loco in the USA. Mississippi: Hidden in plain sight – is a 10 page story by Pete Claussen of an 1832 USA built loco that was believed to have been imported. Bury’s First 16 Locomotives by Pete Claussen continues on 5 pages on who built which locos where in the early 1830’s.
RLHS Cover219$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2018. 128 pages. Utica Union Station. Mother Hubbards' Bone of Contention by Gregory P. Ames explains the ICC ban that never existed over 24 pages. Mother Hubbard Miscellany by Dan Cupper on 10 pages looks at the few survivors and others. Inside EMD Part 2 by Preston Cook shows how electrical components were fabricated & installed over 26 pages. The Other Rio Grande, by Ron Goldfeder is an 1872, 42-inch gauge, Texas RR on 14 pages. C.H. Caruthers - 1847-1920 - A Pioneer of American Locomotive History and Illustration by John Ott fills 8 pages. Memorials for John Gruber, Jim Shaughnessy, and R. Lyle Key.
RLHS Cover220$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2019. 128 pages. What the Transcontinental RR Wrought: An except from After Promontory: 150 Years of Transcontinental Railroading by Maury Klein fills 30 pages. Jupiter and No.119: A New Look by Jon Davis & Jim Wilke confirms original colors over 6 pages. Riding the Early Pacific RR is John Bacon Lewis’s 1870’s account on 6 pages courtesy of Richard Cox & Barbara Webster. The Pacific Railroads is 6 pages of nomenclature by Ron Goldfeder & Peter Hansen. Federal Takeover is a 16 page excerpt from William Withuhn’s book: Steam Locomotives… 1880-1960. Inside EMD, Part 3, by Preston Cook fills 22 pages with final loco assembly and the demise of the La Grange plant.
RLHS Cover221$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2019. 128 pages. Farming, Immigration and the Northern Transcontinentals, by Don Hofsommer fills 30 pages. Failure of a Route: The New York & Boston “Air Line” RR by Gregg M. Turner details this Conn. RR on 16 pages. Jay Gould, System Builder, by Maury Klein is “Questioning the Robber Baron Image” over 10 pages. Field Notes in The Land of Enchantment by Richard Koenig is a 20 page look at semaphores and scenery on this former ATSF Raton Pass route. Mississippi Revisited, by John H. White takes another 4-page look at a very early loco detailed in RRH No.218. Yellow Fever Rides the Rails by Fred Ash fills 6 pages with this early 20th century warm-climate plague.
RLHS Cover222$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2020. 128 pages. East Broad Top charts a secure future by Dan Cupper on 6 pages. When Steam RR’s Burned Oil, An energy transition and its limits, 1884-1941,by Mark Aldrich fill 16 pages. The Widow’s Case, Crawford v. New York, Chicago & St. Louis RR, by Christopher Manthey is an 1898, Kimball, Ohio, story on 10 pages. Modern Railroad Mergers, The rise of single-carrier networks, by James W. & David E Hanscom fill 24 pages. The West Point Foundery Ass., America’s first commercial loco builder, by Ray State & Albert Rutherford is on 22 pages. Century-Broadway, A PRR internal memo assesses the competition in 1921 by Dan Cupper & Christopher Baer.
RLHS Cover223$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2020. 128 pages. The Richest Little Railroad in the World," A brief history and loco rosters of the Virginian Ry by Joseph A. Strapac fill 30 pages. Twisting Metal, Slave labor and the North Carolina RR’s by Alex Wetherington covers 10 pages. Cutting and Pasting, A 1950’s plan to combine B&O, PRR & NYC psgr services, by Ira Silverman went nowhere over 8 pages. The Golden Gate Special , America’s first transcontinental luxury psgr train by Thornton Waite is on 18 pages. Death by Gunfire , The tragic tales of 4 C&O employee covers 4 pages by Charles H. Bogart. It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time, When RR’s and banks were one and the same in Mississippi by Peter Claussen is on 5 pages.
RLHS Cover224$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2021. 128 pages. Official Guide obituary by Kevin P. Keefe. Otto Kuhler & the R&LHS logo by Kevin Holland. R&LHS at 100 fills 30 pages by J. Parker Lamb, John H. White, Jr., Dan Cupper & Kevin J. Holland. Recollections of Charles E. Fisher by various folks is on 4 pages. The R&LHS Chapters are detailed on 16 pages. Amtrak Calling, A Memoir by insider Bruce Heard is on 12 pages. Paris & Mount Pleasant , The brief, unhappy life of a Texas short line by Keith L. Bryant is on 10 pages. Sioux Falls and the Rock Island, A (once) might fine line covers 12 pages by Dennis C. Opferman & R. Milton Clark. Railroad Telegraphy, recalling the “Victorian Internet” is on 8 pages by Warren Jones.
RLHS Cover225$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2021. 128 pages. Equipment Tells the Story of Amtrak’s 50 years, by Bob Johnson surveys cars and locos over 5 decades on 26 pages. M&StL: A Day in the Life by P. Kent Hannah takes a 16-page look at the feisty granger before C&NW acquisition. Floating Around Congestion is 20 pages by Fred Ash on the Erie RR’s Chicago maritime operations. The Special Trains of Shrine Week, the B&O and the Shriners’ convention of 1923, by James D. McDonald is on 6 pages. Virginia & Truckee McKeen Motor Car No.22, by George A. Forero, Jr., is 10 pages on the last operable one existing. Railfandom’s Delight by Clyde Carley is a whimsical 1957 look at the R&LHS as it was with Charles Fisher on 4 pages.
RLHS Cover226$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2022. 128 pages. “OUTRAGE” is the 5-page story behind a famous 19th century poster. Trains and Trout by R.W. Hafer exams the relationship between N. America RR’s and the sport fishing industry over 14 pages. The Story of EMD Plant One Preston Cook fills 22 pages concerning “The Home of the Diesel Locomotive”. Preston then goes on for 10 pages with A Winton EMC/EMD Chronology. Broken Hopes by Thornton Waite is 10 pages on A north-south RR in Idaho. Low Brakers, Horses and No Air fills 10 pages by J. W. Swanberg with letters from a NYNH&H RR agent. The Oxford Co-operative Car Company by John Bradley details the short life of a 19th-century Penn. Car builder.
RLHS Cover227$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2022. 128 pages. Nevada’s Great Western Steam Up by Todd Moore covers 6 colorful pages. The RR Station Agent by H. Roger Grant fills 18 pages with this long neglected subject. Jim Crow Rides the Rails, The ICC and racial injustice, by Frank N. Wilner takes a 20 page look at another subject long in need of coverage. The 1922 Shops Strike by Mike Matajka covers 16 pages with details on this important event in RR labor history. Spuyten Duyvil – a Memoir, History and reminiscence in the lower Hudson River Valley, by Oren B. Helbok fills 30 pages with details on this fascinating locale. R&LHS 2020 Awards. Obituaries for William F. Howes, Jr., Mark E. Entrop & Thomas T. Taber III.
RLHS Cover228$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2023. 128 pages. The Conrail Historical Society opens its large boxcar museum. Ron Goldfeder explores USA steam locomotive test plants over 23 pages containing many illustrations. And then adds 9 pages with a look at what is known about similar plants around the world. This is a work in progress as information is hard to obtain. A Railroad on the Radio by S.J. Tanner describes the Great Northern Ry’s pioneering use of radio 1929-31 for advertising purposes over 23 pages. The Locomotives of Vicksburg by Pete Claussen takes a 6-page look at the USA Civil War era in this critical city. Jim Blauw, career Milwaukee Road Agent by D. Cupper details this man’s life on 6 pages. More agent stories follow on 8 pages by A.D. Burnett, D. Cupper & D. Hofsommer.
RLHS Cover229$15.00/$7.50Fall-Winter 2023. 128 pages. Short Takes: the last runs of GG1’s 40 years ago; a final look at those 11 operating semaphores in N.M.; and the Alaska RR celebrates 100 years. The New Haven RR vs. the American Railway Association by S.E. Randolph details on 24 pages why the per diem rate was critical to the fortunes of the NYNH&H RR and what was done about it. The Tie that Binds by J. Super takes a 14-page look at the West Virginia Central & Pittsburg Ry and how its operation led to the slow transformation of W.Va. counties from wet to dry, and led to the eventual state support of prohibition. The Santa Fe’s Harvey Houses by D.A. Pfeiffer tells how photos of these structures are at the National Archives. Timken roller-bearing cartoons of the 1950’s by C.H. Bogart fill 12 pages.
RLHS Cover230$15.00/$7.50Spring-Summer 2024. 128 pages.Toward a Better Life; the locomotive engineer in Mexico’s long revolution, 1910-1940, by J. Bortz & M.T. Aguila details three of them, with supporting details, over 20 pages. EADS, A Bridge that Became a Railroad; How the pioneering 150 year-old Eads Bridge grew into a thriving St. Louis terminal carrier, by J.K. Brown fills 24 pages. Mann and the Maple Leaf; The brief life of Boudoir sleeping cars on the shaky predecessors of the Chicago Great Western, by F. Ash is on 12 pages. Fruit + Trains + Ice = Profits; Moving peaches on the Illinois Central was big business, is 7 pages by L. Morris. Mound City & Eastern, A forgotten Dakota Short Line, covers 14 pages by L. Ableidinger. The British 1838 Rocket relocated by P. Morrison fills 10 colorful pages.
RLHS Cover231$15.00/$7.50(Current Issue).Fall-Winter 2024. 128 pages. SHORT TAKES: 50 years since MILW ROAD electrification died; EBT expands. From the crew room to the board room, How executives at PRR and other roads fought federal efforts to limit their pay by A.J. Churella fills 20 pages. A Colonial Inheritance, South Manchuria Railway locomotive test plants in Japanese Manchukuo and the PRC, 1922-2022 by Ben Kletzer is on 18 colorful pages. Toot Sweet! Louisville & Nashville’s 728th Railway Operating Battalion in Europe during WW2 by D.M. Wilkins covers 18 pages. Bill Gentleman’s Jumbo Livestock Pullman, Forty Years ago ‘a last roundup’ for cattle by rail by R.G. Edmonson fills 16 pages. Working for the Reading around Philadelphia 1912-1917, Tales of a teenage Italian immigrant stowaway by his son, T.L. DeFazio on 8 pages.