Deadline is June 30, 2025, for William D. Middleton and John H. White, Jr., Research Fellowships

The Railway & Locomotive Historical Society has long supported research through its journal, Railroad History and other activities. To promote the further study of railroad history, the R&LHS has created two research fellowships in the amount of $2,500 each. The fellowships, named for well known railroad scholars William D. Middleton and John H. White, Jr., are available for new and established scholars to support the research and publication of railroad history. Applicants need not be members of the R&LHS.

A committee to be named by the president of the R&LHS will review the applications. Recipients should note the support of the R&LHS grant in any publication resulting from the fellowship.

The deadline for applications is June 30. To be considered, all applications must be postmarked by this date. Awardees will be notified by August 31. Applications for the fellowships shall include the following:

  • A statement no longer than two pages that describes the project and its importance in the field of railroad history. Reference should be made to any existing scholarship.
  • A statement no longer than two pages describing the importance of the holdings of the archives or libraries to further the project. It would be helpful to the reviewers of the applications if it can be shown how specific collections relate to the research project.
  • A brief budget showing expenses by categories such as airfare, mileage, lodging, meals, photocopying, etc.
  • Applicants should include a vita or resume no longer than two pages to include educational experiences, employment history, publications, and other information relevant to the proposal.
  • Applicants who are graduate students should include a letter of support from their major professor.

For questions or to submit the completed application, please contact

Robert F. Holzweiss
6500 Riverstone Dr., Bryan, TX 77808
(979) 575-8164

If you wish to submit applications electronically, please email the complete package (one pdf document please) to Robert Holzweiss at Robert.Holzweiss at